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A little about me….

Hi there ! I’m Priya, the blessed wife of Veeramani and mom of a precious kid : Rithika . We currently resides in the US.


Worked with Infosys, Bangalore (India) as Process executive in Arrow electronics (supply chain management) . My first step into a corporate world!where I got lots of evergreen memories & of course work experience too😊

New city with 0% knowledge on local language is the most funny & tragic things. I got to go to market & I was waiting in a bus stop. None of the buses hold destination boards in English or the languages I know.

Completed Masters degree & that mindset didn’t allowed me to run behind the bus & ask for where it’s going.

Got to see an old woman who was checking for the same bus as mine . Planned to stand behind her , so that I can show off like I’m getting into the right bus without even asking. Finally got into a bus.. collars up with full pride on my face !

After getting down I got to know that there are 2 places with same name. I didn’t had any chance than asking for help. This small & funny situation thought me a life lesson .

World is so big with lot & lots of good people around”. You are never alone. If you are lucky enough help will come to you without even asking, not all the times.

Open up, speak for yourself, nothing wrong in asking for help. No one cares on how well you are educated, how much bank balance you have etc. Their answer will be Boolean (effect of joining in new class for my carrier reopening 😜).

I started applying my learnings & I saw a huge difference in the way I look myself & work with people around. Fruitful work experience in Caterpillar, Bangalore (India) is an example . Lots of friends, bitter & better experiences, promotions, happiness / satisfaction in what I’m doing etc are the bestest things I got.

Having a healthy competition, knowledge sharing & helping each other is the KEY to succeed wherever we are.. Thanks Tim , he who got these words back into my ears during our induction.

Now I’m so called Priya Jagadeesh SDET93. New group & im sure it’s going to be fun learning with all!

All the best to me & my team !!

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