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TESTNG Annotations

•       Programming annotations are labels or markers that are included in the source code as metadata to give the compiler, runtime environment, or other tools more information.

•       A special syntax that uses symbols like @ is frequently followed by the name of the annotation and any associated parameters.

•       Annotations can be used, among other things, to specify configuration information, document code, activate or disable particular behavior, or mark code for further processing.


Advantages of using TESTNG Annotations

•       TestNG Annotations made the life of testers very easy. Based on your requirements, you can access the test methods, i.e., it has no predefined pattern or format.

•       You can pass the additional parameters to TestNG annotations.

•       In the case of TestNG annotations, you do not need to extend any test classes.

•       TestNG Annotations are strongly typed, i.e., errors are detected at the compile time.


•       This is one of the core annotations in TestNG.

•       This annotation designates a method as a test case.

•       TestNG is told to run the methods as independent test cases via this annotation.

•       In a class we can have more than 1 test method

@Test(enabled = false): 

•       You can momentarily disable a test method without deleting it from your codebase by annotating @Test(enabled = false).

•       To enable again @Test(enabled = true).

Hierarchy of the TestNG Annotations:

·         @BeforeSuite

·         @BeforeTest

·         @BeforeClass

·         @BeforeMethod

·         @Test

·         @AfterMethod

·         @AfterClass

·         @AfterTest

·         @AfterSuite

 Types of Annotations

•       @BeforeMethod - The @BeforeMethod method in TestNG will execute before each test method.

•       @AfterMethod - The @AfterMethod method in TestNG will run after each test method is executed.

•       @BeforeClass - The @BeforeClass method in TestNG will run before the first method invokes of the current class.

•       @AfterClass - The @AfterClass method in TestNG will execute after all the test methods of the current class execute.

•       @BeforeTest -The @BeforeTest method marked with this will run once before any test method in the classes present inside the <test> tag in the TestNG XML file. It's usually used for setting up something used across many classes in the same <test> tag, like a global setting or starting shared objects.

•       @AfterTest – The @AfterTest is one of the TestNG Annotations. As the name defines, @AfterTest is executed after the execution of all the @test annotated methods inside a TestNG Suite. This annotation allows developers to specify various actions to be taken after the execution of all the @test annotated methods inside a TestNG Suite.

•       @BeforeSuite -The @BeforeSuite annotated method will run before the execution of all the test methods in the suite

•       @AfterSuite -The @AfterSuite annotated method will run before the execution of all the test methods in the suite.

Working on TestNG Annotations

Step 1: Open the Eclipse IDE.

Step 2: Create a Maven Project.

Step 3: After Creating the Maven Project, the project exploration will look like the below image.

Step 4: Create a TestNG Class that contains all TestNG Annotations.

The below code gives you a glimpse of the Working of TestNG Annotations.


 public class TC003_Annotations {


public void setup()


System.out.println("Before Class Execution");



public void beforeMethod()


System.out.println("Before Method Execution");



public void test_case2()





public void test_case1()





public void aftermethod()


System.out.println("After Method Execution");



public void teardown()


System.out.println("After Class Execution");



public void aftersuite()


System.out.println("After suite Test Execution");



public void beforetest()


System.out.println("Before Test Execution");



public void aftertest()


System.out.println("After Test Execution");



public void beforesuite()


System.out.println("Before suite Test Execution");




@Parameters: Indicates a method parameter’s value should be retrieved from the test suite’s XML file based on the parameter name.



·         The method that provides data for parameterized testing is specified by this annotation.

·         By providing several types of data, it enables you to design parameterized tests.

·         we can pass different values to the TestNG testcase in a single execution

·         Part of inbuilt TestNG data driven testing which is quite popular

·         To get test data for your parameterized test methods, TestNG will call this function.

·         For test data, the data provider method returns either a two-dimensional array or an IteratorObject[].


·         This annotation specifies one or more listener classes for your test suite that should be alerted of test events.

·         Listeners have the option to intervene before and after specific events, such as the start of a test, its failure, and the end of the suite.

·         You can create your own listeners to respond in a certain way to these occurrences.

·         @Listeners can be implemented at class level and suite level

Some popular TestNG Annotation Attributes

description Attribute

  • It is a string which is attached to the @Test annotation that describes the information about the test.

dependsOnMethods Attribute

  • When the second test method wants to be dependent on the first test method, then this could be possible by the use of "dependOnMethods" attribute.

  • If the first test method fails, then the dependent method on the first test method, i.e., the second test method will not run.

priority Attribute

  • When no 'priority' attribute is specified then the TestNG will run the test cases in alphabetical order.

Priority determines the sequence of the execution of the test cases.

  • The priority can hold the integer values between -5000 and 5000.

  • When the priority is set, the lowest priority test case will run first and the highest priority test case will be executed last.

  • Suppose we have three test cases and their priority values are -5000, 0, 15, then the order of the execution will be 0,15,5000.

  • If priority is not specified, then the default priority will be 0.

groups Attribute

  • The 'groups' attribute is used to group the different test cases that belong to the same functionality.

timeOut Attribute

  • If one of the test cases is taking a long time due to which other test cases are failing.

  • To overcome such situation, you need to mark the test case as fail to avoid the failure of other test cases.

  • The timeOut is a time period provided to the test case to completely execute its test case.



  • TestNG annotations are vital for organizing and controlling the flow of test cases in Selenium WebDriver automation.

  • They provide a structured approach to executing tests, allowing for setup, teardown, and configuration at various levels such as suite, test, class, and method.

  • This helps in creating robust and efficient test suites, enhancing the overall testing process.


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