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Basics of Automation Testing Using Selenium

        Automation testing:

What is Automation testing ?

  •      Automation Testing is the process of testing the application using any Automation Tool.

  •     Testing an application feature with the help of Automation tool & executing test script is called as Automation testing


    When we should do Automation Testing

  •       when you want to run the same test cases multiple times

  •       when you want to run the same test cases across multiple machines at the same time

  •       when functionality of application is stable


What are the Advantages of Automation Testing ?

  •       Re usability of test script

  •       Compatibility testing is easy and possible

  •       Less Human efforts are required

  •       Project duration is reduced

  •       Cost of project is reduced

  •       Improve Accuracy

   Some Automation tools used in Organisation are as below:

  •       Selenium

  •       QTP

  •       Appium

  •       Cucumber

  •       Katalon



 What are the   Dis-Advantages of manual testing ?

  •      Compatibility testing is difficult

  •     Test Cycle duration will be increased

  •     More efforts are required

  •     Regression testing is time consuming



 Selenium Automation Tool

  What is Selenium?

  •          Selenium is open source automation testing suite to test web application.

  •          It supports different platform and browser.

  •          It has gained a lot of popularity in terms of web based automation testing.

  •          Selenium is a set of different software tools. Each tool has a different approach in supporting web based automation testing What are the component in Selenium?

  It has four Component namely:

  •          Selenium Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

  •          Selenium Remote Control (Now Deprecated)

  •          WebDriver

  •          Selenium Grid


Advantages of Selenium are as below:

  •         Selenium is an Open Source software

  •         Selenium supports various operating system (Windows, Linux, Mac)

  •         Selenium Supports various programming languages (like Java, Python, Ruby, C#)

  •         Selenium supports various Browsers (Chrome, IE, Opera, Safari)

   Disadvantages of Selenium are as below:

  •      We can automate web based application only

  •      We cannot automate standalone application

  •      We cannot automate Captcha

  •      Selenium does not support file uploading

  •       Adhoc test cases cannot be automated

  •       Cannot read barcode

       What are the Java Concepts used in Automation Testing:

  •          Inheritance

  •          Interface

  •          Polymorphism

  •          Casting (Upcasting)

  •          Encapsulation

  •          Abstraction

  •          Arrays

  •          Collection

  •          Foe Loop, For Each Loop, While loop , Iterator

  •          Control statement

  •          String Class




Selenium Architecture:

  1. Search context is a super most interface which contains abstract methods and inherited to webdriver.

  2. Webdriver is an interface which contains abstract method of search context and its own abstract method.

  3. All the abstract methods are overridden or implemented in selenium remote webdriver class.

  4. Selenium remote webdriver :-

  5. It is a class which implements all the abstract methods of both interface.

  6. Selenium remote webdriver class is extended to browsers such as firefox driver, chrome driver etc.

  7. To run application in multiple browsers (C.T.) i.e. writing test script by using single browsers but run the some script in multiple browsers we need to use runtime polymorphism by using upcasting in selenium.

WebDriver drive = new ChromeDriver

Create on object of ChromeDriver class with reference of WebDriver interface.  


    Different type of locators in selenium

We have 8 types of locators in Selenium Webdriver to find elements on web pages.


1.      id is a Fastest locator in all 8 locators

 Ex. driver.findElement(‘email’)).sendKeys("abc");


2.      Name

 Ex. driver.findElement(‘email’)).click();

3.      ClassName

Ex.driver.findElement(By.className("inputtext 55r1 6luy")).sendKeys("abc");

4.      TagName

Ex.  driver.findElement(By.tagName("input")).sendKeys("abc");

5.      LinkText

Ex. driver.findElement(By.linkText("facebook")).click();

6.      PartialLinkText

Ex.  driver.findElement(By.partialLinkText("book")).click();

7.      x path

Absolute x path and Relative X path are the two main types of x path.

1. Absolute x path  -

            UN: /html/body/div[1]/input[1]

contact: /html/body/div[2]/input[3]

login: /html/body/div[3]/button


2. Relative X path -

UN: //div[1]/input[1] or //div[1]//input[1]

contact: //div[2]/input[3] or //div[2]//input[3]

login: //button



Difference Between Absolute x path vs Relative x path :-



Absolute Xpath

Relative Xpath


starts with the /(Single slash) symbol

starts with the //(Double slash) symbol


We need to start from the root Node(html)

We can start from any node


Absolute xpath is lengthy

relative xpath is short 

Sometimes web element on the web page keep changing so Dynamic X path came in picture. 

What Is Dynamic Web Element?

A dynamic element is a Web Element whose IDs and not just IDs, but any attribute such as Class Name, Value, and so on, are not fixed. 

Therefore, every time you reload the page, it changes. As a result, you cannot handle that element solely through the locator.

For example, the class name of Gmail Inbox elements changes with each login.

How to handle dynamic web element?

1.Using contains


2.Using starts with


3.Using xpath axes


4.using Text

driver.findElement(By.xpath("//button[contains(text(),'Log in']")).click();

5.Using Index



8.      CSS selector  is a Fastest between CSS and x path


CSS (cascading style sheet)

Developer uses it Designing web pages in more attractive way,to apply any size,colour,font.

 CSS locator

Css locator is a method provided in selenium through which we can locate element.

CSS locator is a collection of multiple attribute.

So its customised, so we can create our own CSS selector.

Most CSS selector are mainly  use with the combination of tag name.

Suppose id attribute is available for element, then we can take id and tag name of that element.

Suppose name is available then we can take name and tag name of that element.

So we can say its a tag and attribute combination.

Mainly four ways are in CSS selector:-

·         Tag and ID

·         Tag and class

·         Tag and attribute

·         Tag, class, and attribute

Here input is tagname,email is id attribute value.

1)Tag and ID



Here input is tagname,inputtext is classname attribute value.

2)Tag and class



Here input is tagname,name=email is a attribute and its value.

3)Tag and attribute



Here input is tagname, inputtext is classname attribute value,data-testid=royal-email is a attribute and attribute value

4)Tag, class, and attribute



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