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Writer's picturejayashreely

Behavior Driven Development with Gherkin


Behavior driven development is an agile software development technique that defines the behavior of the feature through plain text.


Gherkin is the language that cucumber understands. It is business readable language that describes business behavior without the need of implementation. This makes easy simple documentation and uses plain language where everyone understands the behavior of the software.

Gherkin has the common keywords in a plain language can be used and get the same output in form of test scripts. Gherkin serves two purposes- documentation and automated tests

Gherkin Syntax:

Feature : Scenario Title

Given : Precondition

When : Event

Then : Expected Output

Examples of Gherkin :

Feature: Amazon Prime Subscription

Amazon customer wants to make preference in account prime subscription

Scenario 1:Subscribe to prime subscription

Given: The customer as the amazon account

When: The customer subscribes to prime

Then: The customer should be able to subscribe

Scenario 2: Subscribe to different monthly plan subscription

Given: The customer prefers prime plan account

When: The customer selects the monthly plan

Then: The customer should be added for monthly prime membership

Scenario 3: Subscribe to annual plan subscription

Given: The customer prefers prime plan and as the amazon account

When: The customer choose the option prime annual membership

Then : The customer able to add the annual membership

Scenario 4: Subscribe to the student prime account

Given: The customer as a amazon account

When: The customer as the student email id

Then: The customer should be able to subscribe with the student prime account

Scenario 5 : unsubscribe to prime subscription

Given : The customer has prime account

When : Customer decided to cancel the subscription and as the prime subscription

Then: Under mange the subscription end membership

Scenario 6: To update the prime subscription

Given: The customer wants the reminder before the subscription

When: Customer wants the reminder before renewing

Then: The reminder should be sent before renewal

Scenario 7: to view the payment of prime membership

Given: The prime membership is subscribed

When: The customer wants to see all the last payments

Then: The customer should see the receipts

Scenario 8: to update the payment method

Given: The prime membership is subscribed

When: The customer wants to change the credit card details

Then: The customer changes the credit card info

Scenario 9: when prime is expired

Given: The prime membership is subscribed but its expired

When :The customer doesn't have the credit card details

Then :The customer should see the payment page

Scenario 10: when prime login is invalid

Given: The email is invalid

when: The customer enters invalid email and valid password

Then: The page should say invalid email


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