Using icons are considered to be quite a beneficial tool for web design. Users easy to understand graphics that grabs the user’s attention immediately due to their simplistic visual nature. In addition, they add a great deal for navigation as well as adding character to your design.
Let see how we can add the icons?
First download the icons from the site https://www.flaticon.com/, where you can find free icons to use in tableau.

After placing all my icons into a folder, then I move that folder into the “Shapes” folder found in “My Tableau Repository“. These icons are essentially are to be used as shapes in our Tableau project.

Therefore, the next step will include working with the “Shape” type under the “Marks” card.

Now, click the shape and reload shapes that are downloaded, our shapes are ready to use.

From the below images you can see, to count the number of patients in the potassium range, I used hexagon shapes instead of bar.

similarly you can use different shapes , images and icons for your dashboard. I hope its helpful in creating a creative dashboard.