Introduction :
In this modern era, there are lots and lots of data recorded around us. Some of the data are recorded and analyzed to improve the results. This analysis of data can be done easily by visualizing it. This process is known as "Data visualization".It is a way of converting our data and information into graphs and charts by visual tools. By this, we can identify and improve the areas which need improvement and we can also predict the sales. There are many visuals tool used, one of the familiar tools is "tableau".Tableau is a tool that generates data into "reports" and "dashboards" in the form of "charts".The dashboard includes all the information in a single view. There are many types of charts available in tableau, that can be seen one by one in this blog.
Here in this blog, we are going to see how the superstore uses tableau as a data visualization tool to analyze and improve business growth. Below we can see different types of charts and their uses. In the superstore data, we have information on orders, people, and products.
Source of data: superstore data. In super store sales data we have three tables such as Order table, People table, and return table. Under the order table, we have the Order ID, Order date, Ship date, Ship mode, Customer ID, Customer name, Segment, Region, City, State, Postal code, Country, Category, Subcategory, Product name, Sales, Profit, Order(count), Quantity, Discounts. In the people table, we have Region(people), Manager, and People(count). In the return table, we have Order ID(returns), Returned, and Return(count). We will be forming tables with these parameters.
Charts :
Charts are very interactive and cover all the important information required to view. For making charts in tableau we need either dimension or measure or a combination of both (i.e., 1 dimension 2 measure,1 dimension 1 measure, etc). Dimensions are qualitative values such as names, months, and geographical data. Measure are quantitative values such as numeric data, which can be measured. There are many different types of charts used in tableau according to the data used. Let us see the most used types of charts. Note: Always have “entire view” for the graphs than “standard view”.
Area chart :
Area charts are used for quantitative information that is happening periodically i.e, it happens daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly. To create an area chart we need one date, zero or more dimensions, and one or more dimensions. Now the superstore wants their month-wise sales using shipment modes. so we take order date month-wise in columns, and sales in rows now how to add another dimension i.e, "ship mode". This third dimension can be given in the color of the marks. By this, the various ship mode can be colored differently according to their sales. For this area chart visualization will be great.
steps to create an area chart :
Order date(Dimension) is given in column:
Sales(measure) is given in row:
when we give the dimension and measures in the row and column the automated graph will be created according to the data given.
The automated graph is created by the given data:
we can change this automated graph into an area by selecting "area graph" from the marks on the left:
An area chart is created successfully. The above graph represents the month-wise sales area chart we need to add the "shipment" method. For calculating it we just drag and drop ship mode in the color of marks.
steps to create month-wise sales with ship mode area chart :
We used 2 measures (ship date and sales) and included the ship mode(1st class, same day, second class, and standard class).In area charts, the area under the line in the graph will be covered. Maximum coverage in the graph has maximum records or values. In this graph we can see the standard class has the highest sales then comes the second class then the first class. Same-day ship mode class has a minimum area covered so it has minimum sales. Now the super stores can find the standard mode of shipping gives more profit than same-day in-store sales. superstore tries to improve the in-store sales in need to gain more profit.
Line chart :
Bar charts :
Dual axis chart :
Pie chart :
Donut chart :
Regional wise chart :
Scatter plot :
Funnel chart :
Forecast chart :
Text chart :
Word cloud chart :
Bubble chart:
Tree map chart :
Histogram Chart :
Bump Chart :
Pareto chart :
Box plot chart :
control chart :
Bullet chart :
Conclusion :
In this blog, we saw how the tableau was used to create various types of data visualization charts of superstores. It helps us to understand its growth in a simple easier way. Hope this blog helps you to understand data visualization and its chart types. Please follow for similar content.