1. First we have to create personal token key in GitHub. These are the steps to do:
To create personal token Key
Login in to GitHub Account
Click on Profile on top right side corner of GitHub
Click on Settings > Developer settings
Click on Personal access tokens from the left side panel
Click on Generate new tokens
Enter Password and click Confirm password
Enter Text in Note,
Select days in the Expiration field and Check the required scopes
Click on the Generate token button
Token is generated
Token: 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
2. Creating Gitlab Account
We can create Gitlab Account with Google Account / GitHub Account/ bitbucket and etc.
Here we are going to sign in with Google Account.
Click on Google Account and register account and when logging in,
Click on join a project when it asks.
Now click on Accept terms
Now click on Create a project
Now click on Run CI/CD for external repository
Click on GitHub
Now paste GitHub token generated in Personal Access Token and click on Authenticate
Now all repositories are displayed
Now select Sample and click on Connect
Click on Go to project
Click on Enable Auto DevOps
Click on Default to Auto DevOps pipeline
Select Continuous deployment to production and Click on Save Changes
Now Click on Infrastructure on left side of the screen and Click on Connect a cluster
And Click on this this repository
The screen below will be displayed
Now click on CI/CD and Select Pipelines
Click on Run Pipeline Button
Select Branch from Run for branch name or tag and Click on Run Pipeline button
NOTE*: Gitlab will ask you to connect a credit card to your account in order to validate it, it will not charge your card.
Now you are ready for CI/CD pipeline
Happy Reading