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Covid Cases Visualization via Motion Chart and Map Chart


Motion Chart: Visualization of Covid Confirmed Cases across countries.

Datset for Covid Cases:

The Covid dataset from Kaggle was taken for execution.

Covid is a pandemic disease that affects the global population. Various analyses were performed to visualize the effect of Covid affected persons including number of confirmed cases, death cases, recovery cases in terms of months and days.


          Motion chart is one of the most prevalent charts used in tableau for visualizing the movement of trail over the data point from starting to end point. The motion chart resembles the line chart and is majorly used in the visualization of changes in data point over the period. Additionally, motion charts can be controlled by the listener rather than the designer. The motion chart uses one dimension and one measure for analysis.

        Motion charts create animations over data point. It depicts the purpose of measures evolves over time. Motion charts can also be called animated charts or enhanced story telling charts or dynamic charts.

      Motion charts help to understand the variation in data and to identify where the sudden changes happened in the data point.

Application of motion charts

·       Statistical data

·       Historical data.

·       Biological data

·       Geographical data

Dimensions and Measures in Covid Data set:

The identified dataset includes the following columns such as a) Country affected, b) Date, c) Count of Confirmed cases, active cases, death cases, recovery cases and WHO region.

For the current visualization using Motion chart were performed for

“Confirmed cases in the number of countries affected by Covid over the year 2020.”

Steps involved in Motion Chart for Visualizing confirmed cases for the period:

The steps involved were executed as above in the tableau work sheet.


1)    Add Confirmed cases as dimension in row field.

2)    Add Day (Date) as Measures in column field.

3)    Add the measures Day(date) in the page field, include the sum (No. of Countries) under the mark field in color and Size.

4)    Select the shape (Circle/Square) from the mark list.

5)    Include Day (Date) and the sum (No. of Countries) under the Mark field Label.


The dimensions (Confirmed cases) and measure (Day (Date)) fields were added in the respective rows and columns. The no. of countries was included in the mark field under the section Color and Size. Also, the confirmed cases and Date were included under the section Label for clear visualization.


 Now the motion chart is ready for Visualization. Totally 187 countries got affected by Covid at various period of the year 2020 starting from Jan 2020 to August 2020 were used. The count of countries affected was 6 during the month of Jan 2020 and maximum countries affected were 187 during the month of July 2020.

The identified shape (Circle) will travel the graph by playing the button on the right side of Tableau screen. Initially it starts from January 2020 with 6 countries and 555 as confirmed cases and over the time travels, the motion chart visualizes those 187 countries that got affected by Covid in the month of July 2020 with 1,64,80,485 as confirmed cases. The motion chart also visualizes the spike time as during the month of Feb and March 2020 there is a sudden increase in count of countries and Confirmed cases.

Figures 1 and 2 depict the illustration of Motion Chart for Covid affected countries

Figure 1: Motion Chart visualizes the Covid Confirmed cases in Jan 2020

Figure 2: Motion Chart visualizes the Covid Confirmed cases in July 2020

Map Chart: Visualization of Covid Cases across Countries


Map is a special chart in tableau used for visualizing complex geographical patterns. Map charts are an incredible analyzing tool for viewing the relationship across geospatial locations.

The three types of spatial data such as points, data, and lines were mapped using Tableau. Tableau uses the latitude and longitude coordinates for mapping the spatial objects on the map and automatically converts them to appropriate location on the web mapping systems.

If the identified datasets contain geographical data fields such as country name, province region, zip codes, then tableau spontaneously creates a polygon using latitude and longitude points with the available inbuilt database. Map visualization enhanced user requirements by advanced spatial analysis.

Types of Maps in Tableau:

·       Proportional symbol maps

·       Choropleth maps (filled maps)

·       Point distribution maps.

·       Density maps (heatmaps)

·       Flow maps (path maps)

·       Spider maps (origin-destination maps)


Proportional symbol maps:

Proportional symbol maps are used for visualizing discrete locations using quantitative data. For instance, the number of Covid cases across the countries.

Choropleth maps:

Choropleth maps, also known as filled maps, are used for visualizing ratio data. For instance, to analyze the Covid confirmed Vs death case across the states of United States.

Point distribution maps:

Point distribution maps are used for visualizing approximate location and creating a cluster based on the input data. For instance, Covid cases in the year 2020 and 2021 across the US and identify the most affected regions in those 2 years.


 Density maps:

Density maps are also called heat maps, predominantly used for visualizing trends for visual clusters. If you want to identify the more active cases of Covid, you can generate density map to identify the most affected cities/states.

Flow maps:

Flow maps are useful for connecting pathways across a map and determining where something travelled over time. For example, you may follow the route of significant storms throughout the planet over time.

Spider maps:

 Spider maps visualize the interactions between the origin and destination locations. For instance, you may monitor bike share journeys from an origin to one or more destinations, or you can link lines between metro stations and display them on a map.

“Covid confirmed cases across the WHO region and Countries in the world using Map chart.”

The above visualization was performed using Proportional symbol maps.

Steps involved in Map Chart for Visualizing confirmed cases across the countries and WHO:

The steps involved were executed as above in the tableau work sheet.


1)    Add country region in the Detail field under Mark section.

2)    Add WHO region in the Detail field under Mark section.

3)    Now the Longitude is generated under column section and latitude is generated under row section.

4)    Once longitude and Latitude are generated, select Map chart.

5)    Now insert Country and WHO region in label under the section Mark field. As a result, all country names are displayed in the Map chart.

6)    Insert sum (confirmed cases) in the label field and WHO region in the Color field under Mark section.


Now the map is displayed with country and WHO region wise confirmed cases count. WHO regions were displayed in various colors for identification. From the given map, its visualized that America WHO region have a greater number of confirmed cases compared to other WHO regions was depicted in figure 3.


Figure 3: Map chart Visualizing greater number of confirmed cases using WHO regions.

Also, filter option is applied for the countries affected with confirmed cases greater than 1 crore was illustrated in figure 4.

Figure 4: Application of Filter for visualizing the countries affected majorly.

As the filter applied, Map visualizes 5 countries have a greater impact on Covid cases and United States have a greater number of confirmed cases as 22,43,45,948 was identified from figure 5.

Figure 5: Visualization of more Covid Confirmed cases across Countries



 Image Source: Author

Dataset: Kaggle


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