In this blog, we are going to see how to create the donut chart.
Donut Chart
How to create donut chart
For donut chart, these are all the following steps we need to follow,
Step 1-Open tableau public and load the datasets
Step 2-Go to sheet 1
Next we can divide the steps into two categories
1.Make two axis,
Create pie chart
Create circle
Make two axis
First we need to create two empty field in the row, Near by row we have one down arrow, when we click on that we are able to create the avg(0) by using the new calculation which is shown in the below two images.
When we created two empty field, it will look like the below image
On the left side of the screen we are able to see the three things one is all, second one is agg(avg(0)) and the third one is also looks like same from second. It is shown in this below image,
After we got this, we need to check the second field as pie and third field as circle.
Pie chart
We know how to create pie from my last blog, Use my previous blog to create the pie chart in second field
Step 1- we need to create circle in the third field, instead of automatic ,we need to the create the circle.
Step 2-click the color under the marks in third field
Step 3-check the color as white and make border as black
Now we created the circle
Next we need to insert the values in the circle, for that
Look over the pie chart, whatever we put in the size ,we need to drag that measure into label under third field marks. After all these steps the chart will look like the below image,
Step 1 -Here we need to take the numbers into the circle, for that we can drag the number and drop into the center
Step 2 -Next we need to make the pie size larger when compared to the circle, For increase the size of the pie chart, Go to the second field under marks, click on the size and increase the size. you can give borders if you want, for that go to colors under marks and give some borders, it will shows the divisions exactly. Then the chart looks like the below image,
If you want to add labels, in both the fields, we can go to the label, and that label looks like the below image,
here we can edit the labels under marks, click on the text we can add according to our needs, here i added profit in front of the profit numbers
If you want to edit the style, size and bold or underlined or italic and change the alignment too in here. once we finished edited our text, we can click ok to apply all the editing's.
we can change the alignment and font everything in the labels.
Dual Axis
Next step, we need to make a dual axis for those two fields which is pie and circle.
For making the dual axis, we need to follow the below steps,
Step 1-click on the down arrow in the second avg(0),and click the dual axis.
Step 2-we can right click on the second axis and click the synchronize axis.
These two steps were shown in the below picture.
Step 2
Step 1
These are the steps we can use to create the Donut chart, the picture of Donut chart is shown below,
Now, we are going to see a little bit editing to make our sheet to be more beautiful.
Here we are going to see how to do improvise our sheets to be more attractive. Here i split everything into steps. Whatever step you needed you can go and do that alone. It doesn't affect the main charts,
Step 1 - We can rename the sheet 1 into Donut chart by right click on the sheet 1 in the downside and rename it whatever name you want to rename that sheet 1.
Step 2 - Then we can edit that title by right click on the donut chart in the top under the row, and it will show us the edit title then click on the edit and we can able to edit the alignment, color, size and style of the is shown in the below pictures,
Step 2
Step 2
Step 3 - We can remove the zero and avg(0) and the line from left and right side of the chart. For that we need to the following steps,
First we need to go for the axis. Right click on the axis and click edit axis, one box open that will shown in the below figure,
This first image will pop up when we click on the edit axis, change that automatic into custom, and come below and remove the title it will remove the axis 0 and click on the tick marks and change that automatic into none and close this pop up and we need to do the same thing for the right side of the axis.
Then we can right click on the same axis and unselect the show header shown in the given below,
By unselecting the show header we are able to remove the axis lines . After all these editing we are able to see the below image,
Now from the above image we are able to see that the axis line and the words are gone from the Donut chart.
Step 3 - The next step we are going to see is changing color of each pie slices. For that we can go to under the marks we can see the colors, we can change colors from there
Step 4 - Then we can add the background colors in the sheet ,For changing the background color, anywhere on the sheet we can right click and choose format. In there , we can edit so many colors, we can explore there to edit the colors and text formatting. Once we done all the color editing ,background colors and borders.
Here i edited some colors and borders, and renamed as donut chart and the given below picture is made,
The above picture is what i got after all the editing done.
What is the use of donut chat and when can we avoid this chart these are the main question will arise once we completed this chart
For that questions. The answer is given below,
Like pie chart, from this amount of data ,these much are used for each categories. Likewise situation we can use this donut chart. These are my own words to explain it simply.
Till five categories we can use this donut chart, when the categories number is increased we can avoid this donut chart
From this blog, we are able to learn how to do the donut chart and some important editing's are explained.
like wise we are going to learn how to create sunburst chart from my next blog
Thank you!