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Writer's picturevidya anil

Funnel Chart with Provider count segregating on Specialty using quality dataset in Tableau.

A funnel chart in Tableau is a visualization that represents stages in a process or a pipeline, with each stage shown as a progressively smaller section of the funnel. It’s typically used to visualize how data moves through a series of stages or steps, and it highlights the drop-off or conversion rate at each step.

1 .Creating a Funnel Chart in Tableau:

Drag Provider table and Patient table and create relationship , select " Patient MRN " from Patients table and select " Provider ID " from Providers table and click on Sheet 1

ag 222Specialty to rows and make it to count

2.Drag Provider Specialty to row and change it to count

3.And change into entire view.

4.Drag Provider Specialty in to color ,size and text and sort it (change in to Dimension)

5.Drag Provider specialty to filter and click on ok button.

6.Click on dropdown Provider specialty (Size) under mark measure and change to count

7.Sort Provider specialty by descending order and click

Conclusion of Funnel Chart in Tableau

A funnel chart in Tableau is a powerful and intuitive visualization tool for representing data through sequential stages, making it ideal for tracking processes like sales funnels, marketing conversions, or customer journeys. By visually illustrating how data decreases as it moves through each stage, it allows businesses to quickly identify drop-off points, measure conversion rates, and pinpoint inefficiencies or bottlenecks.

While funnel charts are effective for high-level analysis, their use is most impactful when the stages are sequential and the data flow is linear. To maximize their value, careful attention should be given to data structure, design, and the context in which the funnel chart is applied. With proper setup, funnel charts in Tableau provide clear, actionable insights that support data-driven decision-making and process optimization.

it to count2

Drag Provider Specialty to rows and make it to count

Drag Provider Specialty to rows and make it to count


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