what is Gantt chart?
Gantt chart is considered as a project planning tool project management which visually illustrates the individual tasks, schedules of the tasks, timelines and show the current schedule of the tasks with the reference line in the project. It is a Horizontal bar chart the length of the bars represents the starting date and the end date of a particular tasks that are assigned to the individuals in the projects management. In one-word Gantt chart shows the structure of an organization or a team or a project and monitors and communicates throughout the project completion. Visually shows the time overlap and time slack between tasks.
what is Project?
Project is an endeavor with the fixed duration of time to achieve the required objectives needed. Cost, time and quality are the basic blocks of the project.
what is Project Management?
Project management is the initiation, planning, organizing and executing every detail at every stage till the completion of the project requirements. The efficiency of the project management is mainly depending on the time bounded tasks and completing the projects within the deadline of the project. Project goals, objectives, roles, responsibilities, project scope and changes, risk management plans, monitor progress, effective project deliveries are the main principles in the project management to implement the project effectively.
Phases of Project management:
PROJECT PLANNING is the answers of what is the aim to accomplish, how the project is divided into tasks or small activities to carried out and the duration of each task and complete project. Diving into the topics scope, Deliverables, Goals, Milestones, team roles, project timeline, potential risk, dependencies and project outcomes.
Throughout the PROJECT EXECUTION project management tools keeps the tracking of the deadlines, deliverables, milestones and updates the information to the team members.
Monitors the project overall progress and status of the team so that they can eliminate or handle the challenges or risks they are facing.
Benefits of Project Management:
keeps the project on tracks---it tells whether the tasks are done within the timeline or deadline if not the challenges its facing at each level were mitigating it when it is small challenge is more efficient and cost friendly rather than continuing it to the next levels or vesting more time on each task can lead to delay of the project execution
Enhance Resource Management
Team coordination
Effective in achieving the required results
Risk mitigation if required.
Project Managment is used in different field such as financing, Construction, IT, Manufacturing, Health Care etc., mostly project management is required in every field where the need of effectiveness, time bounded, budget friendly endeavors done with successful outcome.
Plotting the Gantt Chart:
The key elements required to read and build a Gantt chart.
key elements:
Tasks list: Describes the work needs to be done and can be divided into sub-tasks.
Dependencies: the tasks that needs to be finished in order to start the other task show the inter dependencies of the tasks to finish the particular task.
Timeline: Length of the Bar which represents the timeline that shows the duration of each task.
Dateline: Dateline represents the vertical line on the chart which highlights the current date. Shows when the task needs to be done, what needs to be done and who is working on what.
Bars: each bar represents each task, and the length of the bar represents the duration of the bar these are the horizontal bars which represents the start and end of each task
Milestones: represents dates decisions and deliverables across the timeline of the project.
example data set: This data set is created with few tasks, dependencies and duration of each task
Dimensions: projects, Tasks, dependencies, start date, end date, duration
Steps to plot Gantt Chart:
Drag and Drop the Projects into the rows.
Drag and drop the start date to columns and change the date format into day then it shows as below
Drag and Drop the Duration to size under marks now it changes to horizontal bars.
Drag and drop the end date to Tool tip under marks. By hovering over each bar, it shows start date, end date, duration of each task.
drag and drop the tasks to rows it shows the task wise activities of the project.
drag and drop status to the colors under the marks.
create a reference line which can shows the current date of each task in each project by using calculated field.
now on x-axis line right click and add reference line a pop-up box appears in that select entire table in which give create a new parameter to the value
x-ais-->add reference line-->entire table-->value: create a new parament
create the parameter
change the label into value in the reference line so that the current date is visible on the chart
this reference line shows till now how many projects, or the tasks completed its work and how many are in progress and how many tasks needs to be completed
Tableau Dashboard: gantt_chart | Tableau Public
Benefits of Gantt Chart:
It is a great tool in showing the dependencies of the tasks in the project planning phase if any challenges or the overlapping of the tasks are happening in order to reduce the risks by incorporating RISK MITIFGATION PLANS into the project.
Easily understanding the sequencing of the tasks based on the schedules and understanding which tasks comes after which, and which task needs to be done first.
Gives the high-level overview of the project from start to end.
Gives the overview of the project and timeline shows the complete grip of the project from start to finish, members involved and tasks to complete.
Easily communicates about the project with the team members.
overloading the resources is prevented without overloading the members in the project.
Tracks the progress of the project.
Gives the more clarity and motivation to the members of the project.
Provides accountability in micromanaging each individual tasks.
Gantt Chart is a great budgeting tool in completion of the project within or under budget which leads in reducing the cost.