Gherkin in BDD (Behavior Driven development)
What is Gherkin Language ?
Gherkin is a business readable language which helps you to describe business behavior without going into the details of implementation . It uses plain language and allows users to remove logic details for behavior tests .
The text in gherkin language acts as documentation and skeleton of your automated tests.
This script serves two primary purposes
1.Document User Scenarios
1.Writing an automated tests(BDD)
Gherkin Syntax
Gherkin is a line oriented language.Each line starts with a step and starts with a keyword and ends of the terminal with s
The format looks like follows.
1.Feature : Title of the scenario
2.Given [Precondition or Initial Context]
3.When [Event or Trigger]
4.Then [Expected Output]
Important terms used in Gherkin
Some examples in Gherkin Language
Example 1
Feature : Login Facebook account
Scenario 1
login with valid credential
Given : I am on the login page
When : enter valid username And I enter valid password
And I press “login”
Then I should be on the user's homepage.
Scenario 2
login with invalid username
Given I am on login page
When I enter invalid email and I enter valid password and I press login
Then I see an error message.
Scenario 3
login with invalid password
Given I am on the login page
When I enter valid email and I enter invalid password I and press login
Then I see an error message.
Scenario 4
login with valid phone number
Given I am on the login page
When I enter a valid phone number registered with my account and i enter valid password and I press login
Then I should be on the user's homepage.
Scenario 5
login with invalid phone number
Given I am on the login page and i enter a invalid phone number and i enter a valid password and I press login
Then I should see an error message .
Example 2
Feature: Buy Now Button on an online shopping site.
The user should be able to add one or more products to their online shopping cart by clicking on a button provided the user in on a valid product page and there are enough products in stock. The button should add the selected number of items in the cart.
Scenario 1 :User wants to add a product to his cart
Given : the user is on the product page And the product is in stock
When :he clicks the buy now button
Then : one of the products is added to the cart.
Scenario 2: User Wants to add two products to the cart
Given :the user is on product page and there are two or more products in stock
When: the user selects two products and clicks on the buy now button
Then : two products should be added to the cart.
Scenario 3 : user wants to add more than two products to the cart.
Given : the user is on the product page and there are no more then two products in the stock
When the user selects three products and clicks on the buy now button
Then a pop up appears warning that there are only two products in stock
Example 3
Feature : Making payment online for shopping
Scenario 1 :Valid Credit card number
Given : the user has items added on to his shopping cart and items are in stock
When the user add credit card number to make payment online and valid address associated with the credit card
Then : the payment should be made successfully
Scenario 2 : Valid Credit Card number but invalid address
Given : the user has items added onto his shopping cart and the items are available in stock
When the user enters valid credit card number but invalid address
Then the payment fails and error message pops up with invalid address.