Types of tableau charts (6 Basic types)
There are many types of tableau charts. But here we are going to discuss about the 6 basic types. The types are listed below,
Bar chart
Text chart
Area chart
Pie chart
Bubble chart
Tree map
Before go for making chart. we need to do one step, open tableau public and load the dataset and go to sheet 1. Now in the right corner, we are able to see the show me. click on that show me, it will open and show what are all the basic charts we have in tableau like this in Fig 1,
Fig 1 Show me
Now we are going to see. how and when to create those charts
1.Bar chart
There are two ways to create a bar chart.
First way is drag dimension into column and measure into row. then check the bars under marks
Second way is drag dimension into column and measure into row .then click show me and click the bar chart
We have four types of bars in tableau show me(Fig 1).it could be selected based on your requirement. the four types are bar chart, horizontal bars, side by side bars, stacked bars. The basic bar chart is shown below(Fig 1.2),
Fig 1.1 Bar chart
When you have one dimension and one measure ,we can create like this and also we have horizontal bars to view the same content like this,
Fig 1.2 Horizontal bar
If we have more dimension(if the dimensions are co related to each other) and one measure, we can use side by side bars(Fig 1.3)and stacked bars(Fig 1.4)
For that drag the dimensions into column and measures into rows and click show me, and then click the side by side bars/stacked bars. then our chart will look like this,
Fig 1.3 Side by Side bars
We have staked bars(Fig 1.4) in the show me to show the same thing in different way, like this.
Fig 1.4 Stacked Bars
In each dimension, how many measures are used. For that we can use this bar chart.
Multiple measures and dimensions, we should avoid this bar chart.
2.Text chart
There are two types of text chart we can create in the tableau. They are,
1.Text tables
2.Highlight tables
Step 1-Drag the dimensions in the respective rows and columns.
Step 2-check the text under marks
Step 3-Drag measure into labels to show the values
Step 3-click show me(Fig 1) and check the text tables(Fig 2.1)/Highlight tables(Fig2.2)
This is the sample one i created. According to your convenience you can create your own text table
Fig 2.1 Text tables
Fig 2.2 Highlight tables
If two or three dimensions which are correlated like categories and subcategories and we need to show the profit /sales for those things then we can use the text charts.
If two or more dimensions which are not related ,in that case we can avoid the text charts.
3.Area Chart
Step 1-Drag the measures in both the row and the column
Step 2-Select the area chart in show me(Fig 1).
Step 3-Make sure the area is checked under the marks
Step 4-Want to show those values for the subcategories too. Drag those subcategory as dimensions into color.
Now we are able to create the area chart shown in Fig 3.1
Fig 3.1 Area chart
This area chart is created according to our needs.
Two measure we need to compare we can use this area chart
The date and time related one ,another one is measure. we can use this area chart
If it's a continuous value, we can use this area chart. If its a discrete, then we need to avoid this chart.
4.Pie chart
Step 1-Change that automatic to pie under the marks
Step 2-Drag the measure into size under the marks
Step 3-Drag the dimension into color and label
Now we are able to see the pie chart what we created in the Fig 4.1
Fig 4.1 Pie chart
To know the effect of one factor on different categories
How much proportion is used
It's used for less than 6 categories
If more than 6 categories, avoid this pie chart
5.Bubble chart
The same steps to be followed for the bubble chart is from the pie chart. Instead of checking the pie under marks ,we need to select the circle.
we need to select the bubble from show me
We are able to see the bubble chart like Fig 5.1
Fig 5.1 Bubble chart
In the bubble chart we can compare the values of each categories,
If we have a small dataset, we can avoid the bubble chart.
6.Tree Map
Step 1-Drag the measure into size and label under marks
Step 2-Drag the dimension into color and label under marks
Step 3-Instead of using automatic we can use square to create the tree map(Fig6.1) in the marks/check the tree map in the show me (Fig 1)
Fig 6.1 Tree map
When there are more than 5 categories to compare, we can use this tree map to show the sizes of categories as the value in measures
More than two measure, we should avoid this tree map
These are the some of the basic charts we would use every time in tableau. we are going to see the complex charts in my upcoming blogs