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How to Create Advanced Charts

Dendrogram chart:

Sepsis is a serious condition in which the body responds improperly to an infection. The inaction-fighting process turn on the body , causing the organs to work poorly. If left untreated , sepsis can progress to septic shock, characterized by a dramatic drop blood pressure that can damage the lungs, kidneys, liver and other organs. In severe cases, it can lead to death.

Here we are going to visualize what are the biomarkers affecting heart during sepsis. For that we are going to create a dendrogram. We are using sepsis data set for creating that.

First we need to connect the dataset.

Then we will densify the data with path. For that we created a excel sheet with 0 and 200 in it as shown below.

We can copy the path and open the dataset and join the excel sheet with our dataset.

We can use a join calculation 1 to join the tables.

We can see a new column called path will created in our data set with 0 and 200. Next we are going to create a bin based on the path. Right click on path and create a path bin. Change the size of bin as 1.

Next we are creating Sum of patients. For that we are using the below equation.

Next we are creating one more calculation with same equation. We can name it as @total.








Next I have created a sheet with all biomarkers name. Then I put that in to colors. So we can differentiates the biomarkers with their colors.

Then put path bin in to detail. Next X axis in to column and Y axis into rows. And change compute using path bin for both X and Y axis. Now we can see a image as shown below.

Once this created go to the Y axis and do edit table calculation. For Y axis select All Biomarkers instead of path.

In the same nested calculation for Rank also Choose All Biomarkers instead of path. We will get a image as shown below.

Drag the size calculation in to the size under marks. Click on the size and do compute using path. we will get bars on our dendrogram chart. But all the bars are with same size. We need to resize the bars with number of patients in each biomarkers.

For adjusting the size of bars with count of patients, go to size on marks and edit table calculation. On @sum of patients select both path and All Biomarkers and drag All Biomarkers on top of path. Similarly on % adjusted also select both path and All Biomarkers and drag All Biomarkers on top of path. Now we can see the size differences on our bars on dendrogram as shown below.

If we want to see this in descending order go to edit axis and select reversed.

So our dendrogram is ready . if we want to display the number of patients in each biomarkers we can combine our dendrogram and Biomarkers name in dashboard.

We can see the size of bars are with number of patients with the biomarkers. we can see more patients have PTT. And very less people have Magnesium.

Radial bar chart:

I love drawing data visualization with tableau, and here I am going to explain step by step procedure to create radial bar chart. Here I am going to use sepsis data set to visualize the PH and Base Excess patients counts in radial bar chart. Before that lets see what is PH and Base Excess.


Acidity and alkalinity are expressed on the pH scale,

The pH of blood refers to how acidic it is. Changes to blood pH can signal underlying medical issues, including metabolic acidosis, respiratory acidosis, metabolic alkalosis, and respiratory alkalosis.

The pH scale, otherwise known as the acid-base scale, runs from 0 to 14. It measures how acidic a solution of a substance in water is. For example, pure water has a pH of 7.

Solutions with a low pH have a high concentration of hydrogen ions and are acidic. Solutions with a high pH have a lower concentration of hydrogen ions and are alkaline, or basic.

The pH scale is a compact scale, and small changes in pH represent big leaps in acidity.


which ranges from 0 (strongly acidic) to 14 (strongly basic or alkaline).

A pH of 7.0, in the middle of this scale, is neutral.

Blood is normally slightly basic, with a normal pH range of 7.35 to 7.45

Symptoms of blood pH changes

●      headache.

●      confusion.

●      tiredness.

●      lethargy and sleepiness.

●      coughing and shortness of breath.

●      an uneven or increased heart rate.

●      stomach upset or feeling sick.

●      muscle seizures or weakness.

Base Excess:

Base excess or base deficit is characterized by the amount of base that is required to normalize the pH of the blood. The base excess (BE) is a way to quantify the presence of strong acid (metabolic acidosis) or strong base (metabolic alkalosis). The base excess can be used to calculate the amount of HCO3− (or other base) needed to normalize the Ph. It is expressed in milliequivalents per liter (mEq/L).

Negative base excess indicates metabolic acidosis, which is often seen in sepsis due to factors such as lactic acidosis. Metabolic acidosis can result from various factors, such as the accumulation of lactic acid (lactic acidosis) during anaerobic metabolism, renal failure (Kidney failure), or ingestion of acids.

A positive base excess suggests a metabolic alkalosis or an excess of base in the blood. Metabolic alkalosis occurs when there is an excess of bicarbonate (HCO3-) or a loss of acid (e.g., through vomiting).

In Sepsis, negative base excess is more commonly observed due to the metabolic acidosis associated with the underlying pathophysiology of the condition.

Creating Radial Bar graph:

First we need to upload our sepsis data set. Then we need to create a path. for that I created a Excel sheet with 0 and 270 values as shown below.

Write click and open the data set and we need to join our path into our data set.

For joining this two tables I used the calculation 1 as shown below.

Go to the sheet and create a Path on right clicking on values.


My Total:

My Rank:



We have created a calculation for both PH and Base Excess conditions.

Drag this calculation into color and path into path. Put X in to column and Y into Rows. Clock on X and do edit table calculation and index is along with path and My rank along with Ph and Base Excess condition and my total is along with path. Similarly on Y axis my index is along with path and my rank with Ph and Base Excess condition and my total is along with path. Now change automatic in to line and path into path we can see all arcs have same degrees. All will start with 0 and end with 270.We need to create the chart with each conditions size. For that we are creating one more calculation Percentage.

Go to the X axis and edit table calculation on my total max with both path and Ph and Base Excess condition.

Same thing on Y axis also. Now we can see the size differences on our Radial bar chart. We can increase the size as we want. And if we want we can edit the color also. We can put count of total patients in label. On label on line ends select label start of line. The out put will be as shown below.

These powerful visualizations can elevate data storytelling and provide deeper insights. Each chart has its unique strength and scenarios where it shines.

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