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Writer's pictureRevathi Anbazhagan

How To Create Allure Report in Eclipse (Selenium) and Jenkins?

In this blog we are going to discuss about what is allure report, what is jenkins ,how to create allure report in selenium with step by step example screenshots. And also about allure report Dashboard. Overview of the report will be explained with few screenshots. How to generate allure report in jenkins whole instructions with line by line steps.

What is Allure Report?

Allure report is a flexible , lightweight multi -language reporting tool. It is an open source framework.

It will create interactive and comprehensive test reports. It provides a clear graphical report When we run automation tests each time . It will show Passed , Failed , Skipped , Unknown and Broken test results in different colors.

What is Jenkins?

Jenkins is a tool that is used for automation, and it is an open-source server that allows all the developers to build, test and deploy software.

a) Allure Report in Eclipse(Selenium)


Steps To Install Allure In Eclipse

1. First I have created a simple maven Project in Eclipse.

2. We have to add The required Maven Dependencies in pom.xml from (Maven Repository)

3. Next we have to add Allure&TestNG dependency Latest version from Maven repository






4. Next we have to download Maven and allure binaries then set path by manually in windows

* Maven

. We have to select Binary Zip archive file download

. Extract the zip file and stored it in our local system.

. Set Path in Environment variables

. Then we have to cross check maven version in windows command prompt by giving mvn – version


. Select 2.1.Installing a commandline

. In 2.1.4 Manual installation click Maven central

. Multiple versions available there we can select the latest version which one is highlighted

. After downloading this extract the zip file and stored it in our system like same what we did for maven

. Set the path in environment variables

. For cross checking in windows command prompt have to give

allure - - version

5. Run the Project in Eclipse.

6. Refresh the Project by right click.

7. Now you can see a folder (allure-results) Should be created In your Project

but results will be in json file

8. For creating Allure- Reports

. Right click allure-results and get Properties folder path , copy it

9. In windows command Prompt

Type : allure serve “Paste Properties folder path” and press enter

10. It will re-route to a new Page there we can see allure Report . We can easily find all the test cases results by these views.

Allure Report Dashboard

The overview page hosts several default widgets representing the basic characteristics of your project and test environment.

1. Statistics – overall report statistics.

2. Launches – if this report represents several test launches, statistics per launch will be shown here. 3. Behaviors – information on results aggregated according to stories and features.

4. Executors – information on test executors that were used to run the tests. 5. History Trend – if tests accumulated some historical data, it’s a trend that will be calculated and shown on the graph. 6.Environmen t – information on the test environment.

1. Overview

2. Graphs

3. Categories in Allure Report

The categories tab gives you a way to create custom defects classifications to apply for test results. There are two categories of defects – Product Defects (failed tests) and Test Defects (broken tests).

4.Suites in Allure Report

On the Suites tab a standard structural representation of executed tests, grouped by suites and classes can be found.

5. Timeline in Allure Report

The timeline tab visualizes retrospective of tests execution, allure adaptors collect precise timings of tests, and here on this tab, they are arranged accordingly to their sequential or parallel timing structure.

6. Behaviors of Allure Report

This tab groups test results according to Epic, Feature, and Story tags.

7.Packages in Allure Report

The packages tab represents a tree-like layout of test results, grouped by different packages.

b) Allure Report in Jenkins

It’s time to create a Continuous Integration structure to test our codes as daily based

Steps To Install Allure In Jenkins

1. Create a new Project using Maven project plugin.

  • Give the Name of the project.

  • Click on the Maven project.

  • Click on the OK button.

2. In the General section, enter the project description in the Description box and Select Source Code Management as None if the project is locally present on the machine.

3. In Build Management section

  • In the Root POM textbox, enter pom.xml.

  • In the Goals and options section, enter “clean test” .

4. Then we will add Allure Plugins. For that click Manage Jenkins.

5. In system configuration click Manage plugins .

6. click Available Plugins.

7. Search Allure Jenkins Plugin and select Install without restart.

8. In Manage Jenkins click Global Tool Cofiguration.

9. In Allure commandline name box we have to give allure serve and maven version also we have to give then select install automatiaclly check box. And click save button.

10. In configure Post-build Actions add the path of the allure results and click save button.

11. It will generate allure -results for each build through Jenkins.

12. we will get the same allure reports as we shown before in eclipse Place.


Allure Report and Jenkins contribution may save your time because Allure Report plugin works very well in Jenkins and serves an amazing dashboard for the report in short period of time.

I believe that you have learnt about How to generate Allure reports through this blog. Thank You For reading my blog.


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