The main goal of testing is to identify and resolve issues that prevent the products from meeting the user expectations. However, the testing process expanded to include test strategies and test objectives ranging from integration testing to regression testing the former ensures different components of software can operate together, later which involves checking code or feature updates affects the software's overall functionality.
lack of prioritization and optimization in test planning can result in inefficient and ineffective testing cycles.
Test management solution needed in JIRA because
Today Test management commonly involves the use of its solutions that can organize efficient workflows ,critical to successful testing. Test planning help build test environment that provides test automation improve communication and collaboration with team members .
Test management tool why they are required ,generally we write test cases in Google sheet which are not made for tester there are so many tools are used and available for writing test cases etc., If one test management tool is understood how to use then mostly other test management tools can also be easily understood.
I will walkthrough about Xray , how to use and its features.
Xray is a full featured cloud app for JIRA that lives inside and integrates with JIRA ,it helps managers to enhance JIRA agile boards by tracking the requirement status and test execution progress in real time . It also integrates with favorite Continuous integration tools like Cucumber, and Jenkins through in built REST APIs. Create, edit, clone are the actions that can be performed in X rays.
To enable the Xray on the existing Jira project add the plugin through the apps tab on the main menu ,
select Xray from that then proceed with the configuration of the project for now default issue types of JIRA only will be available, after adding and configuring issue types will be available from Xray. Sometimes configuration will be showing to add manually in that case download the icons from the Xray document and configure the issue types manually which is the global setting .
Issue types in X ray
Generally JIRA has issue types like Epic, Stories, Task, Bug and subtask, additionally when you add xray plugin you will be getting issue types like
Test Set
Test Plan
Sub Test Execution
all these are being used in same manner like any other issue types in JIRA
Test is the test scenarios/test cases of different types it can be traditional or manual test involves sequence of steps with conditions or input which is expecting results. General each requirement will be having at least one test cases .it can also be automated script ,manual ,gherkin format , etc., it can be labelled like any other issue in JIRA
Click Create from the main menu of JIRA project, then select and the the issue type as Test, to the summary and the test cases description, and then click create. The test issue type is now created likewise all the test scenarios can be created as test issue type for one particular functionality
then after clicking the respective test case you will be getting the screen like the one below where you can add the test details in the action ,data, expected result. You can even add attachments for more details
Test Details
Test details are the steps mentioned to achieve the result, for example in Gherkin when and then would be the test details
Pre Condition :
consider the above screen there is the icon called precondition ,
It is common actions like background in gherkin, anything to be executed before the testcases .precondition can be related to any number of test cases . it has to be in the state like conditions need to be fulfilled in order to execute test cases for example precondition can be URL page ,u can directly create from here and connect to the the respective test cases or you can do from the main menu create
click create the select issue type as precondition and summary as any type of precondition
To organize the tests we have two ways here:
one is through Test set and other is through the Test repository, why organizing the tests is important because when the tests starts with large number and later it can be still add on ,so organizing it makes the workflow more efficient.
To create Test Repository create a folder with the addition icon on the the page then proceed with folder creation
Test Set:
Group of test cases can be combined for making a easier management and execution
after creating test set you can add the new sets of test or the existing tests to the test set to make it group like all the test cases related to login functionality
Test Management Phases
Planning and Execution
Test planning involves structuring the testing team, assigning responsibility ,test estimation, analyzing what could go wrong.
Test execution
Monitoring the progress of test activities, conducted issue management to identify problem and also creating the report which involves summarizing and analyzing the test process and test data for review.
This phase is very crucial which test management tool makes it little easier .
Test Plan
When the sprint is done, some part of the functionality is going to be released for example when there are around 75 test cases for login functionality among those 30 percent has to testes as the important part ,here comes the regression testing ,where some test cases has to be done through testing before the release as sprint involves release into smaller chunks.
Step 6
same like previous issue type go from the create then select issue type as Test Plan ,give summary like the note that represents release date and the functionality
please note here not all tests are to be added only those important test for the release are to be added. Test plan might be similar to the Test set but Test plan is based on the release .Also Test Plan in software testing is slightly different from Xray Issue Type Test plan.
Test Execution:
It executes the test cases that are already defined under Test plan
Step 7:
From Test plan click Create Test Execution and create with all details it will be similar to Test plan window but here you will mark the test cases pass or fail . By clicking to the play button icon you will be navigated to the execution starting page there you can assign for the person to whom the execution has to done also after execution if these is any findings like defect etc., you can document.
Technically how execution works when there is any test cases by clicking on it after executing all the test steps in the testing is done in test environment update the status . if there is any defect mark as fail in the test execution, and passed if success the you are still working mark as executing.
after execution you will be getting the overall execution status as above this will also reflect in the test plan window after execution as it is linked .