In my previous blog, you have seen how to improve test automation efficiency by creating a Maven project using Page Object Model with Selenium and TestNG. Here, you will see how to generate an Allure report for this existing Maven project.
Allure Report is an open-source framework aimed to create interactive and comprehensive test reports. Each time when we run automation tests, it provides a clear graphical report that helps in achieving details about the number of tests passed, failed and failure details etc..
Let’s start to integrate Allure Report into our Test Automation project.
Step-1: Update maven pom.xml with latest version of allure TestNG dependency
Step-2: In this blog, we will see how to do manual installation of Allure Binary and Maven Binary file into our local machine.
a. Download the latest version of Allure Binary file as zip archive from Maven Central and unzip it to a particular location.
b. Copy the location path up to bin folder.
c. Go to Windows Control Panel, Set Environment Variables & add allure path to System variables.
d. Next, Download Maven Binary file into your local machine and add it to System variables path.
Step-3: Check allure & maven versions in console to make sure that they are now available in your local machine, using the below commands:
· mvn - -version
· allure - -version
Step-4: Create a Maven project with TestNG test cases and execute through TestNG.xml
Step-5: Refresh the Maven project and you will see a new folder with name allure-results will be generated, which contains a result and a JSON file corresponding to each test case.
Step-6: Now, navigate to Command prompt and type below command:
allure serve <path of allure-results folder>
Allure Report result: