Reading and writing to excel files in Test Automation is very common and python has a wide variety of libraries which allow us to do the same. These are a few of the libraries which we can use like openpyxl, pandas, xlsxwriter, pyxlsb, xlrd, xlwt, etc.
Step 1- Install openpyxl
pip install openpyxl
Read multiple records
​import openpyxl
# Location for Excel File
path = "C:\\Users\\Desktop\\Project\\TestXL.xlsx"
# Creating WorkBook Object and Storing it in workbook variable
workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook(path)
# Number of sheets
sheets = workbook.sheetnames
# Return Active sheet name
# Specify which sheet you would like to read
sh1 = workbook['Jan21']
# get max number of rows in sheet
row = sh1.max_row
# get max number of columns in sheet
column = sh1.max_column
# Run for loop which will read all records from sheet one by one
for r in range(1, row + 1):
for c in range(1, column + 1):
print(sh1.cell(row=r, column=c).value, end=" ")
TestXL: Workbook sheet 1(Jan21)
Write multiple records to excel
from openpyxl import Workbook # Create workbook instance workbook = Workbook() # Update sheet name workbook['Sheet'].title = "Batch 1" sh1 = # Creating list of tuples data = [('Num', 'Name', 'Result'), (1, 'Joshua', 89), (2, 'Ava', 99), (3, 'Abigail', 90)] # Loop and append the records for i in data: sh1.append(i) # save the workbook"C:\\Users\\Desktop\\Project\\NewXL.xlsx") |