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Numeric Functions in Tableau – Beginners Guide.

-By Mohini Tilekar

In this blog we will study various number functions provided by Tableau. Number functions will help us to perform various computations on the data present in the database fields. Only numerical values can be used with number functions.

You can make use of the "Calculated Field" option from the drop-down menu near the search bar to access all these number functions.

When you click on the Create calculated field option from the drop-down menu, a small window will appear on the screen with all the in-built functions available in Tableau. From the list, you can select the function you want. You can also see the brief description for the selected function on the right side.

Number Functions

1. ABS:

This function returns absolute value of the given number

Syntax: ABS (number)

e.g.: ABS (-7) = 7

2. ACOS:

This function returns arc cosine value of the given number

Syntax: ACOS (number)

e.g.: ACOS(0.33) = 1.234492752

3. ASIN:

This function returns arc sine value of the given number

Syntax: ASIN (number)

e.g.: ASIN (1) = 1.570796327

4. ATAN:

This function returns arc sine value of the given number

Syntax: ATAN (number)

e.g.: ATAN (2) = 1.107148718


This function returns the given number rounded off to the nearest integer of equal or larger value.

Syntax: CEILING (number)

e.g.: CEILING (2.6) = 3

6. COS:

This function returns cosine value of the given angle in Radians.

Syntax: COS (number)

e.g.: COS (30) = 0.15421450

7. COT:

This function returns cotangent value of the given angle in Radians.

Syntax: COT (number)

e.g.: COT (90) = -0.501202783


This function returns cotangent value of the given angle in Radians.

Syntax: DEGREES (number)

e.g.: DEGREES (PI ()) = 180

9. DIV:

This function returns quotient after dividing 2 given numbers. It will not return any reminder from the division.

Syntax: DIV (integer1, integer 2)

e.g.: DIV (10,3) = 3

10. EXP:

This function returns value of e raised to the given number.

Syntax: EXP (number)

e.g.: EXP (3) = 20.085536923

11. FLOOR:

This function returns the given number rounded off to the nearest integer of equal or lesser value.

Syntax: FLOOR (number)

e.g.: FLOOR (2.6) = 2

12. LN:

This function returns the natural log of the given number

Syntax: LN (number)

e.g.: LN (20) = 2.995732274

13. LOG:

This function returns the log to the base 10 of the given number. You can also change the base and pass it as 2nd optional parameter.

Syntax: LOG (number)

e.g.: LOG (20) = 1.301029996

LOG (20, 5) = 1.861353116

14. MAX:

This function returns the maximum of the two given numbers.

Syntax: MAX (number1, number2)

e.g.: MAX (20,50) = 50

15. MIN:

This function returns the minimum of the two given numbers.

Syntax: MIN (number1, number2)

e.g.: MIN (20,50) = 20

16. PI:

This function returns the value of the pie.

Syntax: PI ()

e.g.: PI () = 3.142

17. POWER:

This function returns the value of first number raised to power of second given number.

Syntax: POWER (number1, number2)

e.g.: POWER (2,5) = 32

18. ROUND:

This function returns the given number rounded off to stated decimal places.

Syntax: ROUND (number1, number2)

e.g.: ROUND (20.4566,2) = 20.45

ROUND (20.4566) = 20

19. SIGN:

This function returns the sign of the given number, like if its positive or negative.

Syntax: SIGN (number)

e.g.: SIGN (-20) = -1

SIGN (20) = 1

20. SQRT:

This function returns the square root of the given number.

Syntax: SQRT (number)

e.g.: SQRT (36) = 6


This function returns the square of the given number.

Syntax: SQUARE (number)

e.g.: SQUARE (6) = 36


In this blog, we have seen number functions in Tableau and how to use them with examples.

I Hope this blog will be helpful for you through your data analyst journey.

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