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Octoparse Version 8.2

What is octoparse?

Octoparse is a efficient web data extraction software. Both experienced and inexperienced users would find it easy to use Octoparse to bulk extract information from websites, for most of scraping tasks no coding needed.It makes it easier and faster for you to get data from the web without having you to write a code. It will automatically extract content from almost any website and allows you to save it as clean structured data in a format of your choice.

How do you use Octaporse?

Download Octaporse and install it.

How to extract the data from Octoparse?

In Octoparse we can extract the data in different ways.

1 Advance Mode

2 Task Template

Let us show you how to extract the data using Task Template

1 Login the new button on the sidebar and click the Task Template

2 Select eBay and click URL eBay3

3 click Try it! button and enter the URL of the web page we are scraping from and click Save and Run button

4 Click Run on your device button

5 Data is extracted from local device

Let us show you how to extract the data using Advance Mode

1 Login the new button on the sidebar and click the Advance Mode

2 Enter URL and click start button

3 click the Run button and data extracted

Let us see few scenarios

Feature 1: login Octoparse application so that I can enter Octoparse app.

Scenario 1

Scenario: Login to Octoparse

Given: the Octoparse login credentials

when: I try to login with the valid user credentials

then: login to Octoparse completed successfully.

Scenario 2

Scenario: Log out Octoparse

Given: I logged into Octoparse,

when: I click the log out button

then: I am able to log out Octoparse successfully.

Scenario 3

Scenario: Invalid user credentials

Given: I am on Octoparse login page,

when: I try to login with invalid user credentials

then: the error message “invalid email or password” is displayed successfully.

Scenario 4

Scenario: Forgot password

Given: I am on Octoparse page,

when: I click forgot password button

then: the message show "send password to ur email "successfully.

Feature 2 :Extracting Data from the website of your choice using URL in template task of Octoparse tool Scenario1

Scenario: enter URL

Given: i am octoparse app,

when: select task template button and click Try it! button and enter url and click run and save button

then: data extracted

Scenario 2

Scenario: enter wrong URL

Given: i am octoparse app,

when: select task template button and click Try it! button and enter wrong url and click run and save button

then: data not extracted.

Feature 3 : Extracting Data from the website of your choice using URL in advanced mode of Octoparse tool

Scenario 1

Scenario: enter URL

Given: i am octoparse app,

when: select Advance mode button and enter url and press start button and select Run

then: data extracted.

Scenario 2

Scenario: enter wrong URL

Given: i am octoparse app,

when: select Advance mode button and enter wrong url and click run and save button

then: data not extracted.

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