(Salesforce Standard Object)
Product is one of the Standard Object of Salesforce which represent what your company sells which can be products or services.This object has several fields that are used only for quantity and revenue schedules.Schedules are available only for orgs that have enabled the products and schedules features. If these features aren’t enabled, the schedule fields don’t appear in the DescribeSObjectResult, and you can’t query, create, or update the fields.
Product is linked to Opportunity and Quote through Price Book.
Each Product added into Opportunity in an object called Opportunity Product, so this object would be a junction object. For Product added into Quote called Quote Line Items.
You can create roll-up summary field from Opportunity Product to Opportunity, and from Quote Line Items to Quote.
To view and create products, you need the Read and Create permissions on products.
To ensure fast system performance with price books, keep the number of products below 2,000,000.
Products need a standard active price before you can add them to a price book.
To define a payment and delivery cycle via a product schedule, click Edit above the product detail.
A quantity schedule determines when a product is delivered.
A revenue schedule determines when a product is paid for.
A default schedule is associated with a specific product in a specific price book. Every time the product is added to an opportunity, the default schedule is used. You can override the default schedules on any opportunity.
When you remove a product or price book, all related price book entries are removed. However, if several price books contain the same product, removing the product from one price book doesn't affect the other price books. Similarly, if you remove a price book, the products that it contained aren’t removed from any other price book.
To remove a product completely, remove it from the standard price book.
You can’t remove a product or price book that’s associated with an approval process or has a pending workflow action.
If you try to delete a product via the API but there's an opportunity that uses that product, the delete fails. The workaround is to delete the product in the user interface, which gives you an option to archive the product.
If your product is used on an opportunity, quote, or order, you have three options.
Deactivate it by editing it and then deselecting the Active field. We recommend deactivating a product or that’s on an opportunity or quote because it will no longer be available to users. You can reactivate it later. Deactivation doesn’t affect the history of an opportunity line item.
Remove the related product from all opportunities and quotes. When you try to remove a product that’s used on an opportunity or quote, Salesforce displays a list of the opportunities or quotes that use it.
If you remove a product, remove it from each opportunity and quote that uses it.
Then remove the product.
Archive the product and each related price book entry. Use this option with caution. Archived products can’t be recovered because they’re not stored in the Recycle Bin. Archived products still appear on any opportunities or quotes that contained them before they were archived.
Products is available in: Lightning Experience and Salesforce Classic.
Products available in: Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions.
Product2 objects represent products.
As of API version 8.0, the Product object is no longer available.
Requests that contain Product are refused, and responses don’t contain the Product object.
Product Fields:
Active Indication that the product is ready for use in a price book, opportunity, or quote, and whether you can see the product in views. In Salesforce Classic, if your profile allows only Read access to products and you’re not a Salesforce admin, search results don’t show inactive products.
Created By The name of the user who created the product record, with the date and time of creation.
Custom Links A list of custom links for products from Salesforce.
Display URL URL leading to a specific version of a record in the linked external data source.
External Data Source The related external data source.
External ID The unique identifier of a record in the linked external data source. For example, ID #123.
Last Modified By The name of the user who last saved the record, including the date and time of the most recent save to the record.
Product Code The internal code or product number that you use to identify the product.
Product Currency In an org with multiple currencies enabled, the currency that you use for the product. If the product currency differs from the user currency, currency- related fields for opportunities, quotes, and quote line items appear in both currencies. The product’s currency is converted to the user’s currency, and the converted amount appears in parentheses.
Product Description The text that distinguishes this product from other products.
Product Family The category that you specify for the product.
Product Name The product’s name.
Product SKU The product’s SKU, which can be used with or in place of the Product Code field. For example, you can use the Product Code field to track the manufacturer’s identifying code, and assign the product a SKU when you resell it.
Quantity Scheduling Enabled Whether the product can have a quantity schedule.
Quantity Unit Of Measure Unit of the product—for example, kilograms, liters, or cases. This field comes with only one default value, Each. You can create your own. The Quantity Unit of Measure field on product items inherits this field’s values.
Revenue Scheduling Enabled Whether the product can have a revenue schedule.
Fields That will show up while creating a new Product is as below: