With so many changes in Salesforce records made by employees on a daily basis, it may be hard to keep track of the quality of the input data. With the help of Validation Rules, Salesforce offers a solution to safeguard the users from making mistakes (such as indicating phone numbers in the wrong format), as well as to establish verification boundaries and standardize the data requirements in general. Validation rules verify that the DATA entered by the Users in the records meets the Standards you specify before they can save it. Validation Rules, helps to eliminate BAD DATA to get entered in the record. - it gives quality or good data.
What Validation Rule consists of:
It contains a FORMULA or EXPRESSION that EVALUATE the DATA in one or more fields and returns a value of “TRUE or FALSE”.
We aim to write Formula to get ERROR message 🤯?? Really ??
STRANGE, BUT TRUE ... YES, Getting error message means we wrote the correct validation formula and this will prevent BAD data to get entered in the records!!
There is no limit on the number of Validation rules on an Object - Means we can create as many Validation Rules as we need. When one Validation Rules fails Salesforce continue to evaluate the remaining rules on the object and displays all the “error messages” at once.
How to create Validation rules in salesforce?
To create validation rules in salesforce,
Go to Setup | Object Name| Sample | Validation Rules.
· Click on new Button to create new validation rule in Sample object.
Enter Rule Name.
Click on Insert field and enter the syntax.
Check Syntax whether it has any errors or not.
Enter Error message.
Enter Error location.
Now click on Save button.
How to Activate / Inactivate a Validation Rule?
A validation rule in Salesforce can be activated or Inactivated. To de activate Salesforce validation rules follow the steps given below.
Go to Object | Validation Rule | Edit the Validation Rule.
Click on Edit Button.
Uncheck the active Button to deactivate Validation rule in Salesforce
Finally click on Save button.
Points to remember 🤔
Whenever you need to create a record or import data, this can violate the Validation Rules you created, and you will not be able to load data. In this case we can simply deactivate the Validation Rule and Data will be uploaded.
Validation rule formulas don’t refer to the following fields in salesforce.
Compound fields.
First and Last names.
Dependent picklist and lookups.
Campaign static fields.
Merge fields for auto numbers.
Compound address fields(Mailing address).
Now you got some idea about the Validation Rules, now try to play around it.
Happy Learning!!😊
Kudos girl! Very well explained! loved it!
simply defined....thanks for sharing