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Scrape it with Octoparse!!

Internet - which is widely used around the world, is an ocean of data. When used wisely, its great for businesses, marketing, sales, networking and what not!

Its very important to have relevant quality data than the quantity!

How do we do that?

The simple answer would be Web Scraping.

Web scraping is nothing but data extraction from the websites. A specific form of data is gathered and copied from the web to database or spreadsheet.

There are many advantages of web scraping for businesses namely:

  • Easy to implement.

  • It turns any unstructured web data into data ready for research, marketing, growth, sales, etc.

  • Price monitoring.

  • It provides data about what kind of products the customers are interested in.

  • Networking with right audience.

There are many tools which are automated to perform web scrapping, one of them is Octoparse.

Octoparse is an easy to use web crawler application, used to extract data without writing any code. It is easy to use because it is UI based. The data can be extracted in Excel, CSV, JSON file format.

Few advantages of Octoparse are :

- You can build crawler without writing code

- It offers unlimited storage

- It provides option to extract data in the cloud as well as local machine.

Lets write few BDD scripts to test Octoparse below:

Feature - Login page

Scenario 1 - Successul login to the app

Given you enter valid credentials

When you click on "Login" button

Then you should be successully logged in

Feature 2 - Extracting the data using advance mode

Scenario 1: Enter the url for macbook air

Given you are logged into your account

Then you should be taken to data preview page with data fields like Title, title_URL, Image, price, Info, Info1

Scenario 2: Creating workflow

Given you are in data preview page

When you click on "Create workflow" button

Then workflow should be created on the left hand side with loop_item, loop_item1

Scenario 3: SAve and run the task

Given workflow is created

When you click on "Save" and "Run"

Then "Run on your device" option should be displayed.

Scenario 4: Run completed

Given workflow is created

When you click on "Run on your device"

Then Run completed pop up should be displayed with task name as "macbook air 13 inch early 2015 | eBay

Scenario 5:

Given you click on "Export Data"

When you select "Excel" option

Then Data should be extracted in local machine in "Excel" format

And option to Open file should be displayed.

Feature 3: Extracting data using Templates

Scenario 1: Click on task template option

Given you are logged into your account

When you hover on the "New" button

Then click on "Task Template" option

Scenario 2: Task template page

Given you hover on the "New" button

When you click on "Task Template" option

Then it should take you to "Task Template" page

Senario 3: Categories of templates

Given you are logged into your account

When you are in "Task Template" page

Then page should display different categories of templates

Scenario 4: ebay template in "Hot" category

Given you are in "Task Template" page

When you click on ebay template

Then different options in ebay category should be displayed

Scenario 5: Details page ebay template

Given you are in ebay template page

When you click on "Detail Pages eBay" option

Then "Detail pages ebay" template page

Scenario 6: "task info" page

Given you are in "Detail Pages eBay" template page

When you click on "Try it" button

Then it should display "Task info" page

Scenario 7: Run task page

Given you are in "Task info" page

When you enter valid data in all the fields

And click on "Save and Run"

Then "Run on your device" and "Run in the cloud" options should display in Run task page.

Scenario 8: Data extracted page

Given you are in Run task page

When you click on "Run on your device" button

Then it should display "Data Extracted" page

Scenario 9: Export data

Given you are in "Data Extracted" page

When you click on "Export data" button

Then data should be extracted.

Scenario 10:Export later

Given you are in "Data Extracted" page

When you click on "Export later" button

Then data should not be extracted.


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