SoapUI is a tool for testing Web Services, these can be the SOAP Web Services as well RESTful Web Services or HTTP based services. SoapUI is an Open Source and completely free tool. It supports Functional Testing, Performance Testing, Interoperability Testing, Regression Testing, Load Testing, and much more. It is user friendly as well as it is easy to convert functional test into non-functional tests such as Load, Stress testing.
SoapUI Download Process:
Step 1 − Go to and click "Download SoapUI open source".

Step 2: After downloading, open and run the .exe file.

Step 3: Select "Yes, update the existing Installation" radio button and Click on Next.

Step 4: Click on Next

Step 5: Click on Next

Step 6: Click on Next

Step 7: Click on Finish

Basic Calculator Project:
Step 1: Open SoapUI, then click on SOAP button displayed on the tab. A new SOAP project window will popup. In the Project Name field enter the text "calculator" and then enter the following link "" in Initial WSDL field. Select option Create Request and Click on "OK".

Step 2: In Navigation panel, Goto projects "Calculator". Double click on CalculatorSoap> click on '+' on Add> and double click on Request 1.

Step 3: Goto Request1 Window, right now we are performing "Add" operation so provide input values for 'A' and 'B'. And click on green triangle button which is at the left corner of the "Request 1 window".

Step 4: Then click on "XML" tab in Response window and will see the sum of 'A' and 'B' in the Response window.

Step 5: Similar way, perform "Divide", "Multiply" and "Subtract" operations listed under Calculator Project.