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SoapUI and API Testing

Hello friends, in this blog, I will explain to you how to install the tool SoapUI and also how to do API testing on calculator.

Before that, let’s see what is an API and soapUI.

  • API stands for application programming interface, it is a mechanism used for two or more computer programs to communicate with each other. Some common examples of API we use are google maps, weather apps, financial apps, booking flights, pay with PayPal etc.

  • SoapUI is one of the simplest and most powerful tool used for API testing, built for developers and testers alike, it is the only open source tool that covers the entire testing spectrum (functional, security, load, mocking). Other tools used for API testing are Postman, Rest-assured, JMeter etc.

  • So, our first step is to install the soapUI. Click on the link to download soapUI.  Now you will see two options, ReadyAPI and SoapUI Open Source. (Screenshot attached, highlighted in red). Click on SoapUI Open Source to download.

  • Once the downloading has completed, open the downloaded file and start the installation process. Keep clicking on the “Next” button until you see the Finish button to complete the set up process.

Now, we have completed the installation process, let’s see how to do the testing.

  • First step is to open the soapUI tool, make sure you close the window, Endpoint Explorer. Click on SOAP or New Soap Project.

  • The web service we use for this project is the document for the calculator. Copy and paste the WSDL link in the Initial WSDL field (highlighted in red), make sure you are pasting on Initial WSDL field and not on Project Name. Project Name will be automatically displayed once you paste the link. Click on the OK button.

  • Now you can see CalculatorSoap on the left hand side of the screen. Expand that, you will see the operations Add, Divide, Multiply and Subtract . Let’s expand Add, and double click on Request1.

  • Now we will see a Request Window with a “?” mark, that means it’s expecting an input. We have to insert integer values on each int A and int B.

  • Let’s give int A as 200, and int B as 300 and click on the green arrow Run button and wait for the response. On the right hand side, you will see the Response Window, where the default is the raw code, click on XML to change to XML code.

  • We will see the sum of the two numbers as 500 on the tag AddResult on the Response Window. As we got the correct response, we know our API is working. Hurray, that was our first successful API testing. Similarly, we can insert different values and try API testing for other operators. I hope you were able to successfully complete this project.

I cannot wait to dive in to our next blog post. I will see you soon on our next blog. Thanks for reading. 😊

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