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Tableau Dashboards and Stories.


Tableau allows you to manipulate data, modify calculations, and change scenarios in real-time. If its

a comparison to excel 3 big things that can differentiate Tableau are:

  • To create Dashboards

  • To manage unlimited data

  • To change data sources on the go.

How to build a Tableau Dashboard:

The dashboard is a collection of views, filters, parameters, and images that work closely and are arranged on a single canvas. it's allowed to compare and monitor a variety of data simultaneously. it's allowed to explore different aspects of data and helps to key insights and thereby speeding up decision making.

Tableau essentially has 3 parts to it:



layout containers.

Tableau dashboards are the consolidated display of all worksheets. Each worksheet contains different visualizations flowing from different data sources or different kinds of data themselves. Layout containers allow you to change and arranged horizontally or vertically. Tableau dashboards to help you understand how to use different kinds of data in different visualizations. Look below examples it will explain somewhat I think:

Overall sales and Profits: Tableau generates a symbol map of profit leaders for visualization of specific states and their profits.

Revenue by Category: In this sheet below the sum of sales is represented as columns, and categories are represented as rows. The data is filled for the region, state, and segment and appears orange to represent low profits and blue to represent higher profits of sales.

Dashboard Objects:

Tiled,Floating,Text,Image,webpage,Blank,Navigation,Extension,Ask data. Types of actions in Dashboards: Filter actions, Highlights actions, Url actions. In Dashboards, we can have Device layouts such as Desktop, Tablet, and phone. In dashboards, we can change backgrounds maps in different shades. Do presentations mode for Dashboards.

The Tableau Interface: We can do sizing options, adding sheets and objects to the Dashboards. Previewing based on the target device. In Dashboard sizing options we add sheets and objects to the drag and drop manner. Use the Toggle to select whether new objects will be added as tiled floating. Adjusting the layout of various objects on the Dashboards.

How to Build a Dashboard: At the bottom of the workbook click the new Dashboard Icon. From the sheets list on the left drag views to your dashboards on right.

Story on Dashboard: A story allows for the construction of a guided narrative, provides facts between data. Tell how made decisions on the worksheet relative to outcomes for the user.

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