In this blog, we will be discussing about Test Cases to write and test for various Web Elements.
Test Cases covered for Web Elements include Header, Footer, Upload File/Image, Login, Login Page, Registration Page, Forget password, Button (UI+Functional), Radio button (UI+Functional), Checkbox (UI+Functional), URL, Phone Number (UI+Functional), Captcha (UI+Functional), Payment page, Download Report, Functionality, Design, Search, Error, OTP, Hyperlink, Dropdown, Tooltip, Email field, GUI, Delete Button. Let's get started!!!
Test Cases for Header:

1. Verify the header section added on the website.
2. Verify header section is aligned.
3. Verify icons aligned with the text if added to the header.
4. Verify icons added should be related to the link text.
5. Verify whether link text should be readable or not.
6. Verify the logo of the website added on the header is aligned or not.
7. Verify the same header used on whole website pages.
8. Verify header is sticky on the whole page or fixed as per requirements and design.
9. Verify whether all links should be opening on the header or not.
10. Verify on click on the link on the header the correct page should be open.
11. Verify the home page should be open on clicking on the logo on all pages.
12. Verify on the mouse hover color change or not for the link added on the header menu.
13. Verify that selected header links should remain ACTIVE to inform the user about the clicked screen/page.
14. Verify search bar is added to the header menu or not.
15. Verify header and body section should not look the same. The header and body section must distinguish.
17. Verify icon color should also change on mouse hover on the header if icons are added.
18. Verify dropdown options added on header shown on mouse hover or click.
Test Cases For Footer Section:
Test Cases for Upload File / Image:
Test Cases for Login:
Test Cases for Login Page:
Test Cases for Registration Page:
Test Cases for Forgot Password:
Test Cases for Button (UI + Functional):
Test Cases for Radio Button (UI + Functional):
Test Cases for Checkbox (UI + Functional):
Test Cases for URL:
Test Cases for Phone Number (UI + Functional):
Test Cases for CAPTCHA (UI + Functional):
Test Cases for Payment Page:
Test Cases for Download Report:
Test Cases for Functionality:
Test Cases for Design:
Test Cases for Search Functionality:
Test Cases for Testing the Error Message:
Test Cases for OTP Code Verification:
Test Cases for Links:
Test Cases for Dropdown:
Test Cases for Tooltip:
Test Cases for Email Field:
Test Cases for GUI:
Test Cases for Delete Button:
Having Test Cases for similar type of elements in Web Site Testing, can be very handy and reduce lot of work related and enhance reusable Test Scripts. In this blog, we have discussed various Test Cases for Web Elements and how to perform Web Site Testing.
References: YouTube