Feature: Using a social media platform
In order to use Facebook
As a user
I want to use various features
Scenario 1: User clicks on “Login” button
Given I am on the Facebook log in page
When I enter valid credentials
And click on the ‘Login’ button
Then I am logged in
Scenario 2: User presses “Enter” key
Given I am on the Facebook log in page
When I enter valid credentials
And press Enter
Then I am logged in
Scenario 3: User enters invalid credentials
Given I am on the Facebook log in page
When I enter invalid credentials
Then I am not logged in
Scenario 4: Error message when invalid user name entered
Given I am on the Facebook log in page
When I enter invalid username
Then display error message “The email or mobile number you entered isn’t connected to an account.”
Scenario 5:“Find your account and log in” link when invalid username entered
Given I am on the Facebook log in page
When I enter invalid user name
Then display the “Find your account and log in” link
Scenario 6: Error message when unregistered phone number entered
Given I am on the Facebook log in page
When I enter invalid phone number
Then display error message “The email or mobile number you entered isn’t connected to an account.”
Scenario 7:“Create a new Facebook account” link when unregistered phone number entered
Given I am on the Facebook log in page
When I enter invalid phone number
Then display the “Create a new Facebook account” link
Scenario 8: Error message when wrong password entered
Given I am on the Facebook log in page
When I enter invalid password
Then display error message “The password you’ve entered is incorrect.”
Scenario 9: Forgot password link when wrong password entered
Given I am on the Facebook log in page
When I enter invalid password
Then display the forgot password link
Scenario 10: Open Reset password page
Given I am on the Facebook log in page
When I enter valid user name
But invalid password
And click Forgot password link
Then open Reset password page
Scenario 11: Add/Edit account info
Given I have logged in successfully
When I click my profile
And click edit profile
Then open Edit profile page
Scenario 12: Edit Profile Pic
Given I am on Edit profile page
When I click Edit button for profile picture
Then open Update profile picture modal window
Scenario 13: Edit Cover Photo
Given I am on Edit profile page
When I click Edit button for cover photo
Then open Update cover photo modal window with select photo and upload photo links
Scenario 14: Add bio
Given I am on Edit profile page
When I click Add button for bio
Then show text box with “Describe who you are message”
Scenario 15: Customize your intro
Given I am on Edit profile page
When I click Add button for Customize your intro
Then open Edit details modal window
Scenario 16: Add hobbies
Given I am on Edit profile page
When I click Add button for hobbies
Then open Add hobbies modal window
Scenario 17: Add Featured pics
Given I am on Edit profile page
When I click Add button for Featured
Then open Edit Featured modal window
Scenario 18: Edit About info
Given I am on Edit profile page
When I click Edit your about info
Then launch profile page with about tab enabled
Scenario 19: Upload profile pic from the computer
Given I am on Update profile picture modal window
When I click Upload photo button
Then open dialog to browse file from computer
Scenario 20: Upload profile pic from mobile
Given I am on Update profile picture modal window
When I click Upload photo button
Then open dialog to browse file from mobile
Scenario 21: Upload profile pic from photos present on account’s photo section
Given I am on Update profile picture modal window
When I select photos already available from various categories of the photo section
And select one photo
Then open Update Profile Picture modal window
Scenario 22: Update cover photo from the computer
Given I am on Update cover photo modal window
When I click Upload photo button
Then open dialog to browse file from computer
Scenario 23: Update cover photo from the mobile
Given I am on Update cover photo modal window
When I click Upload photo button
Then open dialog to browse file from mobile
Scenario 24: Update cover photo from photos present on account’s photo section
Given I am on Update cover photo modal window
When I click Select photo button
Then open Select modal window with recent photos and photo albums tab
Scenario 25: Post on timeline
Given I am on profile page
When I click on “What’s on your mind?” field
Then open Create Post modal window with “What’s on your mind?” field
Scenario 26: Add to story
Given I am on profile page
When I click on “Add to story” button
Then open your story page with option to create a photo story or a text story
Scenario 27: Post text on timeline with public view
Given I am on Create Post modal window
When I type on “What’s on your mind, user name?” field
And audience dropdown remains public
And press Post button
Then text is posted in my timeline and the same displayed to public
Scenario 28: Post photo/video on timeline with public view
Given I am on Create Post modal window
When I click on add to your post photo/ video icon
And audience dropdown remains public
And press Post button
Then photo/ video is posted in my timeline and the same displayed to public
Scenario 29: Post text on timeline only friends view
Given I am on Create Post modal window
When I type on “What’s on your mind, user name?” field
And audience dropdown selected as friends
And press Post button
Then text is posted in my timeline and the same displayed to my friends
Scenario 30: Post photo/video on timeline only friends view
Given I am on Create Post modal window
When I click on add to your post photo/ video icon
And audience dropdown selected as friends
And press Post button
Then photo/ video is posted in my timeline and the same displayed to my friends
Scenario 31: Post text on timeline only me
Given I am on Create Post modal window
When I type on “What’s on your mind, user name?” field
And audience dropdown selected as me radio button
And press Post button
Then text is posted in my timeline only
Scenario 32: Post photo/video on timeline only me
Given I am on Create Post modal window
When I click on add to your post photo/ video icon
And audience dropdown selected as me radio button
And press Post button
Then photo/ video is posted in my timeline only
Scenario 33: Post text on timeline and tag friend(s)
Given I am on Create Post modal window
When I type on “What’s on your mind, user name?” field
And click on tag a friend icon
And press Post button
Then text is posted in my timeline with the respective friend(s) tagged
Scenario 34: View all posts in my timeline
Given I am on home page
When I click on my profile
Then I can view posts in list/ grid view
Scenario 35: View all comments/like/reactions in posts in my timeline
Given I am on home page
When I click on my profile
Then I can view all comments/like/reactions in posts in my timeline
Scenario 36: Post comments/like/reactions to posts in my timeline
Given I am on profile page
When I comment/ like/ share on a particular post
Then the same should be reflected in posts in my timeline
Scenario 37: Confirm friend request
Given I am on home page
When I click on friends tab
Then I can view friend request with accept/ delete button
Scenario 38: People you may know
Given I am on home page
When I click on friends tab
Then I can view all people you may know
Scenario 39: Navigating to groups page
Given I am on home page
When I click on groups tab
Then I can view the groups’ page with recent activity
Scenario 40: Search a group
Given I am on group page
When I search in the search bar
Then I can view all the related groups’ pages