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Writer's pictureShilpa Uday

Waits in Selenium with a simple real world scenario.

Selenium is a powerful tool that allows developers and testers to simulate user interactions with web applications. However, the speed at which elements load and become available on the DOM leading to synchronization issues. To solve this issue while automating an web application, Selenium provides wait mechanisms that allow us to pause execution until certain conditions are met. In this article, let's learn waits in Selenium with a simple scenario of accelerating car .

=> Imagine you're driving a car that can accelerate from 0 to 60 mph in just a few seconds. However, when you reach an intersection with a traffic light, you need to wait for the light to turn green before proceeding.

In web automation, we often need to wait for elements to be present, visible, or interactable before performing actions on them. This is where waits come into play, allowing us to synchronize our automation with the dynamic behavior of web applications.

=> Just as there are different types of waiting scenarios in driving, Selenium offers various wait strategies to achieve synchronization:

  • Implicit Waits: These waits apply to all elements and are set once for the entire session. They wait for a specified amount of time for an element to appear before throwing an exception.

  • Explicit Waits: Explicit waits are more flexible and allow us to wait for specific conditions to be met before proceeding. We can wait until an element is visible, clickable, or has a certain attribute value, among other conditions.

  • Fluent Waits: Fluent waits provide a combination of explicit waits and polling intervals. They allow us to define the maximum amount of time to wait for an element and the frequency of polling until the condition is met.

=> When driving, you may encounter unexpected road conditions. Similarly, web applications can have dynamic elements that load or update asynchronously. To deal with such scenarios, we can use explicit waits to ensure the element we're interacting with is fully loaded and ready. By specifying conditions like element visibility or presence, we can synchronize our automation with the web application's behavior.

Just as you wouldn't wait indefinitely for a traffic light to change, we need to set timeouts and polling intervals for our waits in Selenium.

* Timeouts define the maximum amount of time to wait for a condition to be met before throwing an exception.

* Polling intervals specify the frequency at which Selenium checks for the condition.

Balancing these parameters is crucial to avoid unnecessarily long waits or exceptions.

=> In driving, unexpected obstacles or disruptions can occur.

During test automation also unexpected errors or delays can happen. It's important to handle exceptions carefully when using waits. By catching and handling exceptions appropriately, we can ensure our automation flows smoothly and effectively reports any issues that occurred.

Hence understanding waits in Selenium is essential for building robust and reliable test automation scripts. By understanding the concept of waits and relating it to a real-world scenario like an accelerating car, we can effectively synchronize our automation with the dynamic behavior of web applications. Remember to choose the appropriate wait strategy, set timeouts and polling intervals and handle exceptions to ensure your tests run smoothly and deliver accurate results.

By applying the principles of patience and synchronization, we can increase our test automation efforts and navigate the complex world of web applications with ease. Happy testing!


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