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Mandeep Kaur

What is Tableau and its features? And how to create a Sunburst Chart in Tableau 

Tableau is a visual analytics platform that helps people and organizations use data to solve problems. Organizations use Tableau to visualize data and good patterns for analysis in business intelligence, making data more effective and understandable. 

Features of Tableau: 


Tableau has several features that make good options for data visualization and data sets. When Tableau is suitable for any project or organization, consider the following features: 


  • Charts: In Tableau, you can organize your data into various visual formats called charts, although they include graphs, maps and diagrams. Tableau charts include pie charts, bar charts, histograms, bubble charts, sunburst charts and so on. 


  • Data blending: Seamlessly pull data from different sources into one project with data blending. This feature helps you better understand case queries. 


  • Visualizations: Tableau is known for its wide range of data visualization capabilities and is often used interchangeably with other traditional BI tools. 


  • Augmented analytics: With the help of this feature, you can use artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to contextualize data and make it more accessible for users. Like you can ask it questions using natural language to get answers to explain your data. 


  • Sharing and collaboration: You can share what you’ve created via Tableau Public. 


 Sunburst chart  


Sunburst chart is a multi-level pie chart showing ideal visualizing hierarchical data structures. The hierarchy starts from the inner circle to the outer circle and shows how it relates to each other. 


How to create a simple Sunburst chart? 


Here we are follow all these steps to create Sunburst chart to show percentage of ABG analysis on Organ dysfunction using sepsis patient's dataset. 

First of all, let's understand what ABG analysis in sepsis patients, ABG (Arterial Blood Gas) analysis for sepsis patients primarily looks for signs of metabolic acidosis, often characterized by a low pH, low bicarbonate (HCO3) level, and elevated lactate, indicating poor tissue perfusion due to the systemic inflammatory response associated with sepsis, this can manifest as respiratory alkalosis in some cases, with a high pH and low PaCO2 due to increased respiratory rate.


Step 1: Create two calculated fields  

  1. First one with zero calculated 



 (b) Second one also with also zero 





Step 2: Put both calculated fields in row and measure it in average then make it dual axis. 




Step 3: (a) Create organ Dysfunction calculated field and create Organ Dysfunction percentage field. 


 {FIXED [Patient ID]: ((MAX (INT ([Bilirubin total])) > 2) 

AND (MAX(INT([PTT])) > 60))} THEN 'Liver Dysfunction'


 {FIXED [Patient ID]: ((MAX(INT([Resp])) > 30)

 AND (MIN(INT([O2Sat])) < 90)

 AND (MAX(INT([PaCO2])) > 50))} THEN 'Lung Dysfunction'

ELSEIF {FIXED [Patient ID]: ((MAX(INT([Creatinine])) > 2)

 AND (MAX(INT([BUN])) > 20))} THEN 'Kidney Dysfunction'

ELSEIF {FIXED [Patient ID]: ((MAX(INT([HR])) > 100)

AND (MIN(INT([O2Sat])) < 90)

AND (MAX(INT([Resp])) > 20))} THEN 'Heart Dysfunction'

ELSE 'No Dysfunction of Heart/Kidneys/Liver/Lungs' 



(b) Create Acidosis and Alkalosis calculated field: In this step first create all these calculated fields – metabolic acidosis, metabolic alkalosis, respiratory acidosis and respiratory alkalosis  

(i) Metabolic Acidosis: When the pH and HCO3 are below the normal range and PaCO2 is normal, is called Metabolic Acidosis.


IF [Sepsis Label] =1 THEN 

(IF [Phosphate]<7.35 AND 

[PaCO2]>=35 AND [PaCO2] <=45 AND 

[Hco3] <22 

THEN [Patient ID] 



(ii) Metabolic Alkalosis: When the pH and HCO3 are above the normal range and PaCO2 is normal, is called Metabolic Alkalosis.


IF [Sepsis Label] =1 THEN 

(IF [Phosphate]>7.45 AND 

[PaCO2]>=35 AND [PaCO2] <=45 AND 


THEN [Patient ID] 




(iii) Respiratory Acidosis: When the pH is below the normal range, PaCO2 is below the normal range and HCO3 is normal, it is called Respiratory Acidosis.


IF [Sepsis Label] =1 THEN 

(IF [Phosphate]<7.35 AND 

[PaCO2]>=45 AND 

 [Hco3]>=22 AND [Hco3] <=26 

THEN [Patient ID] 



(iv)  Respiratory Alkalosis: When the pH is above the normal range, PaCO2 is below the normal range and HCO3 is normal, it is called Respiratory Alkalosis.


IF [Sepsis Label] =1 THEN 

(IF [Phosphate]>7.45 AND 

[PaCO2] <35 AND 

 [Hco3]>=22 AND [Hco3] <=26 

THEN [Patient ID] 




Acidosis and Alkalosis calculated field

CASE  TRUE WHEN ([P H]< 7.35 AND [PaCO2]> 45 AND [Hco3]>=22 AND [Hco3]<=26) THEN "Respiratory Acidosis" WHEN ([P H]> 7.45 AND [PaCO2]< 35 AND [Hco3]>=22 AND [Hco3]<=26) THEN "Respiratory Alkalosis" WHEN ([P H]< 7.35 AND [PaCO2]>=35 AND [PaCO2]<=45 AND [Hco3]< 22 ) THEN "Metabolic Acidosis" WHEN ([P H]> 7.45 AND [PaCO2]>=35 AND [PaCO2]<=45 AND [Hco3]> 26) THEN "Metabolic Alkalosis" 



Organ Label calculated field: 


{FIXED [Patient ID]: ((MAX (INT ([HR])) > 100) 

AND (MIN (INT ([O2Sat])) < 90) 

AND (max (INT([Resp])) > 20))} THEN ‘HEART’ 


ELSE ‘No Dysfunction of Heart/Kidneys/Liver/Lungs’ 



(c) Use filters for Organ Dysfunction percentage (select Heart, Kidney, Liver and Lung Dysfunction), Acidosis and Alkalosis field (Metabolic Acidosis, Metabolic Alkalosis, Respiratory Acidosis and Respiratory Alkalosis).

Sepsis category calculated field


{FIXED [Patient ID]: IF MAX ([Sepsis Label]) =0 

THEN ‘NonSepsis’ 


ELSEIF MIN ([Sepsis Label]) =1 

THEN ‘Sepsis’ 


ELSEIF MIN ([Sepsis Label]) =0 AND MAX ([Sepsis Label]) =1 

THEN ‘Onset Sepsis’ 





Step 4: (a) Let’s drag and drop Organ Dysfunction percentage in color and change chart type select it pie, drag and drop patient ID in label and convert it into count (distinct) and angle also and Acidosis and Alkalosis calculated field in label under mark in AVG (0) adjust size and border layers maximize chart size.

After following these steps chart looks like below: 



(b) Then drag and drop Organ Dysfunction percentage in color and change chart type select it pie, convert patient ID into count (distinct) then drop in angle Organ label in label AVG (0 2) adjust size and border layer minimize this chart size than AVG (0), right click on the X and Y axis to remove the header. 

When you follow all these steps final Sunburst Chart looks like below:



Now we get fully detailed Sunburst chart of percentage of ABG analysis on Organ dysfunction. Have fun exploring and doing experiments on more Visualization. 


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