(In Power BI)
Data Analysis is a process of finding insights from information. Data normally be in a raw or unstructured format which needs to be formatted to get Flat structure which is used to get the insights.
Data----------Information----------Insights Normally Data comes under the category of people, who day in and day out gather the data from various places of the organization. Data analyst then work on the Data and converts it in to information on which they can do the analysis and get insights. Data Analysis Life Cycle: IDENTIFY----COLLECT----CLEAN----ANALYZE----INTERPRET First you should understand what are the data points you need let's see you are planning to do analysis on "Sales planning" where you need to know how your sales is at present, what is the growth rate, upcoming Expense planning..etc. Next collect all the data related to it. Now it's time to clean the data. You need to handle the structure, missing data, duplicate data, invalid data to make it in a way which can be used. In Analyze state you will analyze the structured data in different ways slice and dice the data to understand it. In the last stage you will write all your observations, analysis and insights and present it to the user. Types of Analysis:
Descriptive Analysis: Is where you analyze what is going on in the business. Answers "What" portion of the problem. If you take the example of Sales data this gives the analysis about what are our current sales, growth rate, sales per timestamp, are we in profit or loss..etc.
Diagnostic Analysis: Investigates "Why" part of the problem. Analyzes why the business is running the way it is now. In sales perspective it gives the analysis on why is the sales high or why are we in losses during a certain period, why are the sales not consistent..etc.
Predictive Analysis:
Shows what will happen in future based on the past trends. Based on how the sales trend from the past quarter ,it sets a trend for sales for the upcoming quarter.
Prescriptive Analysis: Makes conclusion based on all the previous analysis and advice what to do next. Gives information like the right time to launch new product, Start giving offers..etc.